End a First Date the Right Way With These 3 Tips (2025)

Going on a first date can be exciting and nerve-wracking all at once. Will the two of you hit it off? Will you have a lot in common? Will the conversation flow? While you may be spending all of your time and energy thinking about how you should act when you're on a first date, it's just as important to consider how to end a date, too.

Whether you're meeting a blind date for coffee, having dinner with a friend that you're newly romantic with, or something in between, the last few minutes of your encounter can often be the biggest impression you leave someone with. No matter how the date turns out, it’s important to understand how to end a first date the right way so that you’re being your best self—whether it was the best or worst first date that you’ve ever had in your life. After all, you may leave the date truly wanting to see this person again, and the last thing you want to do is self-sabotage by sending the wrong signals.

Before heading out the door to meet your date, consider these tips on how to avoid sending the wrong message at the end of the outing.

Express Your Gratitude

If you want to win big points when you end a first date, as well as do the right and polite thing, you should always remember to say, “thank you.” It may be that they paid for your meal or drinks, and you are thanking them for picking up the tab. Your gratitude can extend beyond a financial dependence, though. You could be thanking them for their time, especially if they had to drive across town or struggled with parking. Gratitude goes a long way, whether the date was good or bad.

"Be positive," says psychologist Martin Graff. "Even if the date doesn’t go well, you will at least leave a favorable impression. Remember they are associating you with the situation, and it is possible to be found attractive by association with a positive experience."

The bottom line is that ending a first date on a positive note by thanking this person for coming and meeting up with you is a simple gesture that can go a long way. Even if you don’t want to see this person again, or if you had a frustrating day prior to the date, or if you simply don’t care about the impression you make, it's always a good idea to be well-mannered. You may not fall in love at first sight, but it is just as important not to give anyone reason to hate you after you go because you were rude.

Try to Set Up the Next Date

According to psychologist Marty Nemko, another important tip when ending a first date is to try and lock down the second date before you leave. "If you’d like to see the person again, make a date right then or at least specify when you’ll be back in touch. It’s rude to leave a person hanging."

While you may be used to speaking in generalities with phrases such as, “We should do this again sometime,” or“It’d be fun to meet up again at some point,” you shouldn’t hesitate to take it a step further and get into specifics regarding your next date. This technique can also be a helpful indicator regarding your date’s feelings for you. If they're eager to see you again then you are more likely to leave a first date with concrete plans; if they seem unsure, vague, or uninterested, you might not want to invest the time.

While there are cases when someone will make plans with you only to cancel them later in the hopes of avoiding any awkwardness, it still works in your favor to try and set something up before you go your separate ways.

Be Kind No Matter How You Feel

Speaking of not wanting to see your date again, it’s always in your best interest to be kind and respectful when ending a first date. Even if you had a terrible time, were counting down the minutes until the date ended, and would have loved to tell your date exactly how you felt, it’s still better to put your best self forward and act in a kindhearted way.

There is a certain amount of benefit of the doubt that you have to give someone, especially if this was a blind date or set up via the internet or an app. Your inclination may be to point out that they do not look like theirprofile pictures, or that they come off as conceited, or that they are simply boring, but instead you should always opt for maturity. You can end the date by saying, “Take care,” rather than saying, “Take a hike!”

It's also important that you don't lead someone on and give false hope. For example, while they may want to set up a specific time and location for the next date, it's unkind to make specific plans and then cancel them later. "If the other person puts you on the spot by suggesting another date, smile and say something like, 'I have enjoyed meeting you but I don’t see any possibilities here.I hope you find what you’re looking for'," suggests marriage and relationship therapist Isadora Alman.

Of course, if you're nervous about turning them down on the spot, just say you'll let them know. This can also be an important safety tactic, as some people can take rejection badly. Maybe the reason the date didn't go well was because you got an unsettling feeling. Use your best judgment and, when in doubt, always put your safety over politeness.

When it comes to dating, it's best practice to follow the golden rule and treat others how you'd like to be treated.

Should You Kiss on a First Date?

End a First Date the Right Way With These 3 Tips (2025)


What's the rule after the first date? ›

Reach out right after the first date if you're super interested. Once the date ends, feel free to shoot them a text if you're into them! If things went well, don't worry about violating any kind of social norm here. Let them know you had fun and that you hope to see them again.

What's the most important thing to ask on a first date? ›

Ask about their hobbies, their interests… do they enjoy activities like sports, painting, spending time outside, reading, or dancing? Maybe you will find something that you both enjoy doing and, if the date goes well, could potentially be an idea for another date later on down the road.

How to end a date successfully? ›

Being direct – Sometimes the best path on how to end a date is the straightest one, just tell them it was nice meeting them and that you think the date has reached its natural conclusion. This may either be because the date is getting awkward, or you just think you've spent enough time on it.

How to gracefully end a date? ›

How to end a date – The key things to remember
  1. Don't pick up or get picked up. ...
  2. Stay in one place or make plans ahead. ...
  3. Make a suggestion. ...
  4. Read their body language. ...
  5. Don't push your date. ...
  6. End the date with a hug. ...
  7. End the date with a gentle kiss. ...
  8. If the date went REALLY well, end it in the bedroom.

How to flirt in a first date? ›

How to flirt on your first date
  1. Be attentive. Asking basic questions shows that you are taking an interest in your date. ...
  2. Eye contact is a must. This is a great way to show you are paying attention. ...
  3. Focus between their eye line and lips. ...
  4. Flirt with your eyes. ...
  5. Keep your body language open.

Do you kiss on a first date? ›

Kiss on whichever date you feel comfortable. Many people wait until the end of a first, second, or third date; this gives you time to get to know each other. Gauge your date's interest before planting one to make sure they're receptive to kissing. If you're not positive they're up for it, ask.

Do you ever kiss on the first date? ›

According to psychology, some people use the first date kiss to evaluate their dating goals and values. Some people kissed on the first date, while others waited until the fourth date. While willingness to kiss on first date is a clear sign of chemistry, it doesn't mean it will reveal itself only there.

What are the 3 date rules? ›

That's where the so-called “three-date rule” came in — a guideline that says you should go on three dates before sleeping with a new love interest. It's unclear where or how the rule, which was later popularized by “Sex And The City,” originated.

How do you end a guy after a first date? ›

If you want to end things in a good way, it's better to talk about yourself. Say, “I'm not feeling a connection,” rather than blaming the other person and picking out faults in them. This example is honest and takes ownership, but also emphasises that it was good getting to know the person.

What not to do after a first date? ›

Try not to overanalyze.

It's important to examine your feelings about the person after a date, but overanalyzing can do more harm than good. Try not to obsess over the meaning of every hand touch, hug, or other gesture. While small things can sometimes indicate a character trait, they can also be meaningless.

How should a man act on a first date? ›

Here are 7 of the best first date tips for men:
  1. Dress to impress. ...
  2. Be on time (or 15 minutes early). ...
  3. Ask good questions and listen to your date's answers. ...
  4. Don't be shy about giving a compliment. ...
  5. Decide who's paying before the check arrives. ...
  6. Read the signals to decide if you should kiss or hug at the end of the night.
Apr 8, 2018

How long should a first date be? ›

On average, a first date should last a little less than three hours (2.72), and it takes respondents about four dates to feel comfortable with that person. Almost one-third (31%) of respondents feel the least comfortable part about going on a first date is the nerves.

How many dates before first kiss? ›

Wait until the next date if you don't feel comfortable yet.

Make a plan to get together again soon so they know that you're interested and want to keep seeing them. Many people wait until the second or third date for their first kiss, so don't get discouraged if you don't get one on your first date.

Should a first date end with a kiss? ›

Lean into your instincts.

There's nothing greater than trusting your gut when trying to make a decision. So, if kissing your date is something you'd really like to do—plus, your date is open to it—lean into what you feel is right and kiss on the first date.

Should I kiss at end of first date? ›

The honest answer is: it depends. It depends on the chemistry you and your date have, how the date went, whether the circumstances are suitable for a kiss, and most importantly, simply whether you want to.

Is it okay to kiss at the end of a first date? ›

Wait until the end of the date to initiate a kiss.

The end of the first, second, or third date is often when that magical first kiss occurs. Usually, a kiss acts as a goodbye—and though it doesn't always mean a follow-up date is on the horizon, it's a good way to let your date know if you'd like to see them again.

How long should a typical first date last? ›

Something casual to get to know each other. As for the length, it's usually about an hour.

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.