How do I make a brownie mix more cakelike? (2024)

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How do I make a brownie mix more cakelike? (1) Need help? Go ahead, Ask Betty...

Asked on 4/28/2014 12:00:00 AM by bakerhc

Cake-like brownies? Add an extra egg to your brownie batter to make more cake-like brownies. There are directions on the back of the box. You can also make brownies from a cake mix with ourLoaded Chocolate Cake Mix Brownies recipe. Here area few moretips for Baking Brownies. Happy baking!

Answered on 4/28/2014 12:00:00 AM by ksorensen

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How do I make a brownie mix more cakelike? (2024)


How to make brownie mix more cakey? ›

Cake-like brownies? Add an extra egg to your brownie batter to make more cake-like brownies.

How do you upgrade store bought brownie mix? ›

Switch up the liquid for something more flavorful—boxed brownie mixes typically call for water. Skip the water and swap it with coffee, milk, coconut milk, or even red wine to add flavor and dimension to your standard boxed brownies.

What to add to brownie mix to make them better? ›

A splash of vanilla and a dash of espresso powder are just two ways to make a box of brownie mix better. With these hacks, you'll have yourself a shortcut dessert that tastes like it's made from scratch.

What makes brownies fudgy vs cakey? ›

Fudgy brownies have a higher fat-to-flour ratio than cakey ones. So add more fat—in this case, butter and chocolate. A cakey batch has more flour and relies on baking powder for leavening. The amount of sugar and eggs does not change whether you're going fudgy or cakey.

How to make box brownies more fluffy? ›

Or use milk or half-and-half for even more richness. And for cakey instead of fudgy brownies, add an extra egg for more lift and spring.

What does adding an extra egg to brownie mix do? ›

If you want to get a little more creative with your brownie mix hacks, add an extra egg to the batter. The extra protein will help thicken up the batter and make it fluffier, creating a more decadent, fudgy texture. You can also add the yolk by itself in addition to the 2 eggs a box brownie mix typically calls for.

How to make box brownies chewy not cakey? ›

Use the right amount of fat: Brownies need a good amount of fat to keep them moist. Ensure that you're using the recommended amount of butter or oil in the recipe. You can also try using melted chocolate or adding a little sour cream to increase the moisture content.

What if I forgot to add egg to brownie mix? ›

Without eggs, baked goods will become a little thinner and not rise as much in the oven. As long as you replace the moisture from the egg with milk, banana or applesauce, you can make brownies without eggs. And yes, this recipe makes thinner brownies than normal.

Can I use butter instead of oil in brownie mix? ›

You can absolutely substitute butter for the vegetable oil. Use the same quantity specified in the directions (for example, if it calls for 1/3 cup of oil, use 5 1/3 tablespoons of butter). Melt it down, then let it cool a bit. You might not ever go back to oil!

Why is my brownie mix cakey? ›

Achieving a fudgy brownie is all to do with the ratio of fat to flour. A fudgy brownie recipe will use more fat than flour. Generally this is achieved by adding more butter or real chocolate to your brownie recipe. A cakey brownie recipe on the other hand will call for more flour in the ratio of fat to flour.

What happens when you put milk in brownies? ›

One change is to use milk or heavy cream instead of water. This change will make brownies more moist and gooey since milk is more fatty and flavorful than water. A second change is to use butter instead of oil. For similar reasons to using milk, butter adds a rich and more decadent quality to the batter.

Are my brownies fudgy or undercooked? ›

To test for doneness with a toothpick, insert a toothpick into the center of the brownies and pull it back out. For fudgy brownies, you'll want to see some moist crumbs attached to the toothpick when you pull it back out. If it looks like it's covered in brownie batter, the brownies will need to bake a bit longer.

How to fix cakey brownies after baking? ›

There is no proper way of fixing a cakey brownie. The only thing you have to do is taking care of the fact that you're choosing the right recipe. Whenever I search for brownie recipe to re-create, I ensure that I see the end product. Cakey brownies always have a better height than fudgy brownies.

Why are my brownies not cakey? ›

Achieving a fudgy brownie is all to do with the ratio of fat to flour. A fudgy brownie recipe will use more fat than flour. Generally this is achieved by adding more butter or real chocolate to your brownie recipe. A cakey brownie recipe on the other hand will call for more flour in the ratio of fat to flour.

What happens if you add too much flour to brownies? ›

Too much flour? Go back to your edges - if they're not burnt, look a good colour (similar to the centre) but the brownie is too cakey and dry throughout, the recipe probably included too much flour.

What happens if you add baking powder to brownie mix? ›

To do this, there's one ingredient that's more important than anything else: baking powder. Baking powder is a leavening agent, which means that it is responsible for lifting up the batter to create that lighter consistency — making it absolutely essential for fluffy brownies.

How to make box brownies chewy? ›

Milk is the key

Adjusting these ingredients to make fudgier brownies is as easy as swapping out the water for milk. You can either sub half of the water for milk, or replace it completely with milk for the fudgiest results.

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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.