How to dock a pie crust and when it’s worth doing (2024)

Making a perfect pie crust is both art and science. It can take some practice to unlock this skill, but assembling the dough is only part of the equation. The rest comes down to properly baking it, and one simple technique that can help ensure a better bake is docking, the culinary term for poking holes in a pie crust. Here’s what you need to know.

How to dock a pie crust and when it’s worth doing (2024)


How do you dock a pie crust? ›

What does it mean to “dock” your pie dough? The process of docking is simple: It involves rolling out your dough, then pricking a bunch of holes across the surface with a fork or a docker.

Why is it important to dock a pie crust? ›

With docking, the holes allow steam to escape, so the crust should stay flat against the baking dish when it isn't held down by pie weights or a filling. Otherwise the crust can puff up, not only impacting appearance but also leaving you with less space for whatever filling you have planned.

What is the number 2 most important thing when making pie crust? ›

#2—Add cold water

Add the ice water gradually to the dough, about one tablespoon or so at a time, and stop when the dough is just moist enough to hold together when a handful is squeezed.

What is the most important rule in making a pie crust? ›


As important as not overmixing is staying chilled, literally!! That means keeping all elements cold— your counter, ingredients, hands, heart (just kidding!). No, but seriously, cut up your butter into little cubes and chill them before you incorporate them into the flour.

How long to prebake pie crust at 350? ›

If your recipe doesn't have instructions and you're wondering how long to pre bake the pie, here's what I do: I pre bake the prepped pie crust at 350°F. If the crust is homemade from scratch, I pre bake for 35 minutes. If the crust is store-bought, I pre bake for 30 minutes.

Should a pie be served upside down? ›

That's why the pie should come upside down on the plate, with the firmer, flaky pastry in the parsley sauce.

What is the blind bake method? ›

Blind baking simply refers to baking a pie crust, partially or completely, without any filling in it. Easy enough, right? The only catch is that if you're using pastry dough for your pie (versus a crumb crust), you can't just slide the pie into the oven as-is.

What is the secret to a great pie crust? ›

Start with chilled ingredients

Butter creates a sturdy, crisp pie crust. For this, it is important to keep all ingredients cold which will inhibit the development of gluten in the flour. Use butter right out of the refrigerator and add ice-cold water to make the dough.

Is pie crust better with butter or crisco? ›

My preferred fat for pie crusts will always be butter. To me, it is all about flavor, and no other fat gives flavor to a crust like butter does. Other fats, even though they have great pros, lack flavor,” De Sa Martins said. “The more flavorful the butter, the more flavor your pie crust will have,” Huntsberger added.

What not to do when making pie crust? ›

Whether you use a food processor, a stand mixer, or your hands to incorporate the ingredients together, overmixing is a common mistake that leads to a chewy crust. It's tempting when baking to combine the ingredients completely, but the texture should resemble a coarse meal before adding your liquid.

What does adding an egg to pie crust do? ›

Sugar: Not all pie crusts have sugar, but those that do will be more tender since sugar interferes with gluten development. In our experience, sugar can also make the pie dough so tender that it's hard to roll out and transfer to your pan without breaking. Egg: This makes the dough more pliable and easy to roll out.

What does adding vinegar to pie crust do? ›

But there are two much more important perks to using vinegar: it provides a little insurance against overworking the dough. And, that splash of vinegar will keep your dough from oxidizing and turning gray. Fresh All-Butter Pie Dough with vinegar (right) and without (left).

How cold should butter be for pie crust? ›

For Flaky Pie Crust, Keep Everything COLD, Especially Your Butter. If your kitchen is above 73°F, you can refrigerate all of your ingredients and equipment including your bowl, rolling pin, and pie plate until it's between 65-70°F (dip an instant-read thermometer into your flour to gauge the temperature).

What does it mean to dock dough? ›

Q: What is meant by “docking” or to “dock” the dough when baking? A: Docking the dough is simply a fancy way of saying prick the dough all over with a fork. This technique helps the steam to escape, preventing pesky air bubbles from ruining your perfectly flat pastry base, while also helping it to bake more evenly.

How do you keep the bottom of a pie crust from sticking? ›

Chill the pie pan before you place the pie crust in the pan. Aerosol non-stick sprays - Use a very, very light and even coating so the spray doesn't pool in the pan. Hold the pan over the sink and spritz gently in short bursts, so that just the edge of the spray hits the pan at an angle.

What is the purpose of docking? ›

One of the main benefits of a docking station is connecting multiple peripherals simultaneously, including external hard drives, monitors, printers, and other USB devices. With the right docking station, you can add multiple monitors and have a multi-monitor setup.

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