Is there anything better than a warm, freshly made waffle on a weekend morning? Make perfect waffles from the comfort of your own home with a state-of-the-art waffle maker. Waffle makers may appear confusing or complicated at first, but they are very simple to use. Read on to find out how to make waffles and how to use a waffle maker.
Before You Begin
How to Use a Waffle Maker
Belgian or Standard Waffles?
Are you making a Belgian waffle or regular waffle? Belgian waffle makers have deeper grids and are larger than standard waffle makers. Along with requiring different waffle makers, Belgian waffle recipes also often use a leavening agent, such as baking soda or whipped egg whites, to make them light and fluffy on the inside yet crispy on the outside. Before you begin, make sure you are using the right waffle iron and recipe to ensure the most delicious breakfast.
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Shop Standard Waffle Makers
Should You Use a Rotating Waffle Maker?
Waffles produced by rotating waffle makers don't taste different than waffle makers that don't rotate, but there are other differences. A rotating waffle maker allows the batter to spread and cook more evenly, resulting in waffles that are fluffy on the inside yet crispy on the outside. Other waffle makers that don't rotate may require more batter and tend to make denser waffles that are crispier and browner on one side. Both options create delicious waffles, so the desired outcome is completely up to you!
Shop Rotating Waffle Makers
While there are many different kinds of waffle makers, most are simple to use and follow similar steps of operation. Here are some general guidelines for using a waffle maker (make sure to check your individual product’s instructions before use).
What You Will Need
- Waffle Maker
- Whisk
- Waffle Mix
- Nonstick Spray
- Oven Mitts
- Palette Knife or Wooden Spoon
Step 1: Plug in your waffle maker.
Step 2: Press the “on” button, usually on the front of your waffle maker.
Step 3: Close the waffle maker’s lid until you notice a ready-to-use indicator – this may be a beep or a small light. This means the machine is ready for use.
Step 4: Open the waffle maker and spray the inside with a nonstick spray. Use an oven mitt unless your waffle maker specifies that it has heat-resistant handles.
Step 5: Pour in your batter, making sure to pour just enough to fill the inside of the waffle maker without overflowing. The amount of batter in each waffle can range from 1/4 to 3/4 cups depending on your waffle maker. You can help the batter spread with a palette knife or the back of a wooden spoon.
Step 6: If you have a rotating waffle maker, you will need to flip the metal plates upside down for the machine to begin cooking. Make sure your lid has latched into place, and grab the extended handle with your oven mitts. Turn the handle so that the waffle plates flip 180°.
Step 7: After about 4–6 minutes, another indicator will inform you that your waffle is ready. If you like to control the brownness of your waffle, opt for a waffle maker with a browning control dial. Flip the metal plates of the waffle maker back over – if you have a rotating waffle maker – and carefully open the lid. Gently remove the waffle with a fork and knife and put it on a plate – be careful not to touch the hot waffle maker!
Step 8: Let your waffle maker cool for a few minutes before you begin cleaning to avoid burning yourself – but don’t wait too long, or the batter will congeal and be much more difficult to clean. If batter is stuck to your waffle maker, pour a small amount of vegetable oil on the residue and let it sit for a few minutes. Then wipe it down with a damp paper towel or rag. You can use a rubber scraper to remove the batter, but be careful with harsh brushes or metal equipment – these can scratch your machine’s nonstick surface.
Read the instruction manual. It’s very important to read the instruction manual to learn how to make waffles in your specific waffle iron. Each waffle maker may have its own quirks that require you to adjust your usage. If you want the perfect waffle, read the instructions!
Keep an eye on the steam. If your waffle maker does not come with a ready-to-eat indicator, watching the steam can help you determine when your waffle is ready. Try waiting until the steam stops and then remove your waffle. When the steam stops, your waffle should be done.
Shop Waffle Makers with Ready-to-Eat Indicators
Don’t check on your waffle. Wait for your machine’s indicator signal or for the steam to stop. If you check on your waffle before it's done, you risk tearing the waffle when you open the machine! Wait until you’re sure your waffle is cooked to perfection before you open the waffle maker.
Pay attention to how your waffle sticks. If your waffle is getting stuck to your waffle maker, add more nonstick spray or butter to the machine the next time you use it. Alternately, add more butter or vegetable oil to your batter recipe. Feel free to adjust as you see fit. You can also opt for a nonstick waffle maker!
Shop Nonstick Waffle Makers
Keep your waffles warm. If you’re feeding a family, you’re going to need to make several waffles. Don’t let finished waffles get cold while you’re making more! Set your oven to around 200° F and stick finished waffles inside to keep them warm. They’ll gain some extra crispiness while you finish the others.
Clean your waffle maker as soon as it cools. Don’t let it sit! Cleaning your waffle maker quickly will make it easier to remove any batter that stuck to the interior. If you let it sit for too long, it will be tough to scrape out batter. Try to clean out the waffle maker while it still feels a little warm.
Don’t put it in the dishwasher. Never put your waffle maker in the dishwasher – it is a piece of machinery and shouldn’t be exposed to water. If a waffle iron says it is dishwasher safe, this means you can remove the metal plates and stick them in the dishwasher. Make sure to check your user manual to make sure you can machine-wash your plates.
When do you flip your waffle maker?
You flip your waffle maker as soon as you close the lid with the batter inside. Gravity will help spread the batter more evenly across the plates and will cook it consistently throughout.
How long does it take for a waffle to cook?
Cook time depends upon your waffle maker and how much batter you use. A waffle maker tends to take about 4–6 minutes to fully cook a waffle. Make sure you check your manual for specific information.
Shop Waffle Makers with Ready-to-Eat Alarms
What else can I make in my waffle maker?
Besides waffles, there are plenty of things you can make in your waffle maker. You can make waffle-shaped quesadillas, brownies, pizza, banana bread, corn bread, grilled cheese, and more! Want to learn how to make waffle cones using your waffle maker? Read our guide.
Novelty Waffle Makers
There are lots of different kinds of novelty waffle makers that produce unexpected food items, such as pizzelles (mini Italian waffle cookies), cupcakes, donuts, cake pops, and more. Use these machines to make baking specific food items a breeze.
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Shop Cupcake Makers
Shop Donut Makers
Shop Cake Pop Makers
Interested in also learning how to make crepes, another breakfast favorite? Check out our guide!
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