Montrose, Colorado (2024)

Steve J · Feb 1, 2011 · Fort Collins, CO · Joined Feb 2010 · Points: 0

So, I saw another post on here about possible relocation for somebody. I really didn't want to hijack that thread, so I figured I'd start another.

I've recently applied for a job in Montrose, CO, and have never visited the area. I've heard good things about the area, but they've mostly just been things that'd be great for weekend trips or small vacations. I love mountain and road biking, climbing and bouldering in general, hunting, fishing, skiing, hiking, blah, blahbiddy blah.

However, I live in Fort Collins now, and also love what I've got at my fingertips here. I'm relatively sure I'll have an interview in Montrose, so I'll get to form my own opinion anyway, but I'm just wondering what any of you've got to say about the area. Would it be a good move? Anybody currently living there have anything to say about it? How are the people/community? Any good entertainment besides awesome craigslist truck stop trash, country bars and Sunday afternoon meth-head watching?

I've lived in smaller, agricultural places before, and areas that were very industry-based and transient (Casper, WY; Fountain City, WI; Cody, WY; to name a few), so I know what that's all about. There wouldn't be any culture shock.

The job is a great paying gig, so housing (to a limit, of course) isn't a problem.

Anyway, just wondering about your thoughts, and what you'd do in my shoes. Thanks!



Montrose, Colorado (2) Montrose, Colorado (3)

Airbiscuit · Feb 1, 2011 · Grand Junction, Co · Joined Feb 2006 · Points: 1,500

I love it here on the westside and honestly I can't imagine living anywhere else. We have it all, & It's all killer. If you can find a job that pays decent, for me it' a no brainer. I just laugh at all the sh*t talkers & say "yep uh-hu, west side sucks, nothing to do" Between the Mtn Biking in Junction, Ophir, and Escalante you'll be busy. There is not going to be as much as close as Horsetooth, But the two hour circle is WAY better.



Jason Wells · Feb 1, 2011 · Unknown Hometown · Joined Mar 2001 · Points: 100

I grew up there and have said lots of bad things about it in the past, but I haven't been back in awhile so I'm currently remembering the better things. My only real complaint is the small townness (let's just say there's a high percentage of Wal-Mart shoppers), but that's just me. It's pretty sleepy, but has grown quite a bit and has some unchecked growth on the south end of town (think south Ft. Collins), but that's also added a couple places to eat and hang out. However, if you like evening entertainment other than movies there's honestly not much to do. There are pockets of cool/interesting/fun people around and are usually pretty tight-knit, but welcoming, since the community is small. If you wind up moving there, hit the high-school climbing gym on one of the open nights or do one of the group rides (ask at Cascade Bicycles) and you'll meet some like-minded people. Montrose is surrounded on all sides by cool terrain, but biking is really the only thing really close.

Mountain biking: Uncompahgre plateau has nearly endless beautiful narrow single track (45 mins), the 'dobies have great riding on motorcycle trails (Z-ditch is an all-time fav) 10 minutes from town, you're an hour or so from Fruita, and two from Moab.

Road biking: lots and lots of fast hilly riding on quiet paved country roads. There aren't a lot of close climbs though, with the exception of the road to the Black Canyon and the very steep East Portal.

Climbing: nothing really close, so it's hard to get anything in during a weekday if you have a regular job. I've explored all over Shavano valley (15 mins or so) and have mostly found friable sandstone, but there's bouldering out there if you're desperate. The south rim of the Black Canyon is probably the next closest around 30 mins away. Next closest is a little sporty area called Dry Creek (west side of town), but you have to bounce out there on generally crappy roads so it takes at least an hour. Beyond that, the world is your oyster: desert is 2-3 hours, Black Canyon north rim, Ouray, Telluride, Unaweep, Escalante are all around an hour. I'm not much of an ice climber, but there's plenty around and generally you don't have to share it.

Hunting and fishing: yeah, Montrose is the place for that and you'll instantly have 100 buddies.

Skiing: Telluride is an hour, Crested Butte is about two, Silverton is around and hour and a half. Good accessible backcountry on Red Mountain Pass, McClure Pass, and Grand Mesa. Lots more out there if you like to explore.

Hiking: really pretty lousy in terms of vistas and accessibility, but Ouray has some spectacular hikes. If you like wandering around aimlessly in the pinon juniper there's a lot you can do closer.

If you love Old Town Ft. Collins, Montrose might be rough. If you can deal with the rest of Ft. Collins you might love it there.



Ryan-GJ Grube · Feb 1, 2011 · Grand Junction, CO · Joined Apr 2008 · Points: 0

I am living in Grand Junction and I would have to put a strong vote in for the living on the Western Slope. Montrose has develop A LOT in the last 4-5 years. It really is not a small little podunk town anymore. You can find a decent variety of food. Nightlife is limited. One benefit to living here is crowd size. I can head to Unaweep and climb fantastic multipitch all day and not see a sole (also good ice!). The next benifit is access. While Montrose might not have a large in the backyard acccess, it is central to a lot of places. The above poster summed it up well, I will just throw out a few more thoughts.

On the front range you can really only head West. Here you have Moab, Indian Creek, and canyons, biking to the West.

Southbound you have world class hiking, hot springs, ice climbing, and jeeping just 30 min away in Ouray. Not to mention the San Jauns especially the Weminuche Wilderness very close by.

To the east you have the Black Canyon, Gunnison, Crested Butte, and the West Elks with some of the best back country in Colorado within less than a two hours drive.

North is GJ and Fruits with spectacular single track that is less crowed and often much better than anything Moab has to offer, and its only an hour away. There is also climbing at Rifle (two hours from Montrose).

Pros: Less crowds, close access to the best spots in Colorado, lots more ability to fit in weekend adventures.

Cons: Lacking in the "culture" scene, it is a "working man's" town for better or worse.

While GJ has a great "after work" biking and decent bouldering and climbing, I can't speak for Montrose.

One tip: for reasons beyond explanation the name is pronounce Mont-rose locally.



D Winger · Feb 1, 2011 · Unknown Hometown · Joined Jan 2006 · Points: 20

The others have covered things well, so I'll just add:

We LOVE it here in Montrose! There are great outdoor recreational destinations in every direction, for every season.

There's a new group that's formed to help people around here connect with others who want to hike, ski, climb, etc. You might want to check it out:

Mountain User Group of the Uncompahgre Valley

It's extremely new, so I'm not sure if it'll hang together, but there are definitely lots of people here who love to "get out there."



Stephen Berwanger · Feb 1, 2011 · Montrose, CO · Joined Jun 2007 · Points: 290

Been here for over 10 years. Great place to live. Anything you could want is close, but town is still quiet enough. I lived in the Fort for many years too. Its not as hip and happenin as the Fort, but if you like quiet and privacy its a good place. Pretty similiar to Cody.
Feel free to hit me up when you get to town. Out until July with a injury but happy to help if I can. Peace.



Steve J · Feb 1, 2011 · Fort Collins, CO · Joined Feb 2010 · Points: 0

Thanks for all information, guys - it's just the kind of stuff I was looking for. I'll have to PM some of you guys when I get down there to have a beer or something.

Here's a few more questions:

Is there anybody out there that hates Montrose? Why?

What are the odds of getting onto the local search and rescue team?

Any good coffee/climbing/bike shops in town? I could google this, I'm sure, but I'd rather get reviews from people on sites like this.

Is there any kind of cyclocross racing within reasonable distance?

Anybody looking for a roommate in case I decide to head that direction?

Thanks again!!!



Ryan-GJ Grube · Feb 1, 2011 · Grand Junction, CO · Joined Apr 2008 · Points: 0

As far as SAR goes, Montrose does not have a technical SAR that I know of. I have worked with the "Sheriff's Posse" on Black Canyon rescues with Western State College SAR. The Posse seemed like mostly cowboy boots and jeans type who could help with up hauls and searches, but not with technical set up or anything over the edge. We will see if anyone corrects me on that. Ouray, Grand Junction and Gunnison have technical teams. Gunnison (Western State College) is the only Mountain Rescue Association member in the area, but Ouray is also a very high end group.



Aerili · Feb 2, 2011 · Los Alamos, NM · Joined Mar 2007 · Points: 1,875

I don't have good local advice, but all I can say is that when I stayed there in summer 2007, I was NOT impressed. Especially when you compare to an area like Fort Collins and its surroundings.

Obviously, this has no bearing on what the town might actually live like, but that was my first impression. Best of luck to you!



Jason Wells · Feb 2, 2011 · Unknown Hometown · Joined Mar 2001 · Points: 100

SAR? Coffee? Climbing and bike shops? Cyclocross? You're headed in entirely the wrong direction. I live in Boulder now and, since it's the center of the universe, I fully understand all of the interests above. Montrose is the antithesis of these. There are 3 or 4 coffee shops, but only one with any character and it's very quiet. Western State, an hour away, has a SAR team, but they might only get called out for technical rescues a handful of times a year. The only climbing shop, Cimmaron Creek, was really just a corner of a fishing shop and closed down a few years ago. Bike shops over there are a far cry from what Ft. Collins has, don't even think about cyclocross. Keep in mind the active community is small, maybe 20 climbers and 50 active bicyclists.

If you go for an interview take a week and stay in Montrose and you'll get a better idea of what you'd be in for. Montrose works only if you're extremely self-motivated and don't need to be around people with similar interests. Independence and self-reliance must be a source of pride. Love of Coors Light, blasting prairie dogs, the Republican party, and the Broncos is also a big help. There are always exceptions, but this is absolutely the rule.



Montrose, Colorado (13)

slim Montrose, Colorado (14) · Feb 2, 2011 · Unknown Hometown · Joined Dec 2004 · Points: 1,103

can't really add much to what jason has mentioned. montrose is a great place, but you kind of have to be the right type of person to enjoy it. it is a very 'western' town. if you bring up 'cyclocross' in montrose, most people will assume you are wanting to start a motorcycle for jesus group.



Kevin Connolly · Feb 3, 2011 · CO · Joined Sep 2009 · Points: 0

I lived there for about a year and a half, great location, weird town. i still work up there but don't have much use for the town aside from shopping at city market. there is plenty of rock within a 90 minute drive in any direction, some of which is actually very good. great ice climbing and backcountry skiing to the south, close to eastern utah. you will probably have a tough time meeting like minded people in montrose, but there are plenty of people to climb with nearby. get a hold of me when you get out here and i'll try to show you around and introduce you to some potential partners.



Allen Hill · Feb 3, 2011 · FIve Points, Colorado and Pine · Joined Jun 2004 · Points: 1,410

I have friends in Montrose as well as Delta and I'm insanely jealous of all of them. Talk about location location location. Rocks everywhere, big ones even. Ice if you lean that "way." Canyons, skiing as far as the eye can see, fresh produce, Wicked Wandas, mailing your Christmas cards from the Cimmaron post office, big river fun... the area has it all. As for the "republican, coors light" stuff, well a little bit maybe. But that's the real face of Colorado. And I say that as a proud native.



Steve J · Feb 3, 2011 · Fort Collins, CO · Joined Feb 2010 · Points: 0

"if you bring up 'cyclocross' in montrose, most people will assume you are wanting to start a motorcycle for jesus group." slim

First of all, isn't that what cyclocross is? A motorcycle for Jesus group? I don't know if that's funny to anybody else, but I definitely chuckled about that. Thanks for a good laugh, slim!

Also, thanks again for all the information about Montrose - it's getting tough... good arguments, both for and against what sounds like a unique mountain town. I'll be thinking long and hard about the move, if I'm afforded the opportunity. As well, keep the comments coming if anybody has something to add.

Ian F. - Don't worry about your attempted hijack on my thread. The job I found in Montrose is for the federal government - to be more specific, the Bureau of Reclamation. They have a pretty good presence over there, as they own/operate multiple hydro-electric dams and water diversion sites. Keep a watch on to see if any openings pop up in your area of expertise. I know there are multiple gov't agencies in the Montrose area, though. Good luck to you, too! Feel free to PM me if you need any information on job searching within the government. I currently work for the Bureau of Reclamation in Loveland, CO.



Stephen Berwanger · Feb 3, 2011 · Montrose, CO · Joined Jun 2007 · Points: 290

Actually, Montrose does have a couple coffee shops now, I don't really do"fancy" coffee but we have a starbucks too. I don't drink much but we have a new "horsefly brewery" that is becoming very popular, after a few other brewerys tried and failed (not very good beer).A new sportsbar in town with HDTV's 5 or 6 of them as well.
The one thing we lack is a good climbing shop but those are in GJ or Ouray. The one place that had some gear closed recently. There are quite a few partners around here but you have to "beat the bushes" pretty hard to find the dedicated crew. I've never had a bad thought about Montrose.



Steve J · Feb 4, 2011 · Fort Collins, CO · Joined Feb 2010 · Points: 0

Allen Hill wrote:Canyons, skiing as far as the eye can see, fresh produce, Wicked Wandas, mailing your Christmas cards from the Cimmaron post office, big river fun...

Hope I don't sound like too much of an idiot when I ask this, but what is/are "Wicked Wandas?" I tried googling it quickly, but all it came back with was something in Ottawa, a smokehouse somewhere, and some obituaries about a woman named Wanda in Montrose. Let's take a minute of silence for 'ol Wanda, while we're on that subject.

I apologize in advance for my ignorant naivety.



Adrienna Brown · May 30, 2016 · Unknown Hometown · Joined May 2016 · Points: 0

I know this thread is years old but it popped up in Google Search when I looked up pros and cons of living in Montrose. I'm thinking of moving to either Montrose or Gunnison. My only problem is I'm a truck driver. I have heard that in the winter they block off the access road to those cities because it snows a lot. Is this true? Would I be able to make it home? Is there any way around it when they close it off?



dahigdon · May 30, 2016 · phoenix, Az · Joined Jan 2015 · Points: 220

Not sure about the climbing, but get a dirtbike.. Montrose and Delta are awesome places to ride.



Jason Wells · May 31, 2016 · Unknown Hometown · Joined Mar 2001 · Points: 100

I wouldn't worry too much about road closures. In all directions the roads are major thoroughfares and rarely close for more than half a day for perhaps a handful of days in the winter. Heading West via Grand Junction never (?) closes, at least until you get halfway into Utah.



Montrose, Colorado (24)

CCChanceR Ronemus · May 31, 2016 · Bozeman, MT · Joined Aug 2012 · Points: 130

Cascade bikes is really great and the mountain biking community is right knit. In my experience, there's a strong cyclocross scene.

Montrose is an interesting town that is becoming a lot better. I'd look into living in Ridgway or Ouray if you can afford it though (don't know why nobody has mentioned this). 30 min commute from Ridgway and 40 from Ouray, and Ridgway sounds like exactly what you're looking for.

Source: I lived in Ridgway for high school.



Roger Miller · Jul 18, 2016 · Unknown Hometown · Joined Jul 2016 · Points: 0

I wouldn't touch Montrose with a 100 foot pole. The surrounding area is incredible, but the people in Moe-town are thick-headed and backwards. There's a high rate of meth use and alcoholism, and no wonder. There is absolutely nothing that warrants living there. Go to Ridgway, Ouray, even Delta is better.



Montrose, Colorado (2024)
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