Secrets to the best buttery shortbread (2025)

Use the best ingredients

This recipe has so few components,so it’s important to use high-quality ingredients. Butter gives most of the flavour to these biscuits, and Western Star Chef’s Choice Butter has an award-winning creamy taste and texture ideal for buttery shortbread.

Sift before you start

Sift the flour and sugar before mixing. This does three things:

  • Removeslumps, which is especially important when using icing sugar mixture.
  • Distributes the ingredients evenly. This is crucial if you’re adding extra spices and flavourings.
  • Addsair into the mixture, giving a better rise and texture.

No knead to go overboard

Don’t over-knead the dough, it will develop the proteins which can make the biscuit tough and dense. Only mix until ingredients are just combined.

Let the dough chill

The longer a dough has to rest and chill,the easier it is to work with, the less it will shrink, and the crispier the result.In contrast, bakingsoft, warm dough will produce an oily-textured biscuit.

Once combined, shape the dough into a disc, wrap tightly in plastic wrap, then place it into the refrigerator for30 minutes toovernight.

Thoroughly chilled dough will be veryhard, so remove it from the refrigerator and leave on the counter for 10-15 minutes to soften slightly.

Cut dough in half and rewrap the unused portion. Roll and cut out shapes while the dough is still relatively cold. If it warms up or is difficult to handle, return to the refrigerator.

The best temperature for baking shortbread

A moderately hot oven at160°C fan-forced is ideal for baking shortbread. Fan-forced is better for these shortbreads so you can evenly cook more than one tray of biscuits at a time.

Don’t skip the tray swap

Most ovenswill have hot and cold spots. Swap the tray positions halfway through baking to get evenly goldenshortbreads.

Cool biscuits on the tray

Do not move biscuits while they are warm, they may break or warp. Leave them on the tray to cool to room temperature, then store them in an airtight container. Unfilled biscuits will keep for up to 5 days. If filled with curd, icing or cream, store biscuits in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.

Shortbread FAQ

Need more help troubleshooting your shortbread? Get the answers to these frequently asked questions.

Why did my shortbreadsspread on cooking?

This can be caused by over-beating the butter and sugar. Over-mixing adds too much air to the batter. As the biscuits bake, the air in the dough expands and spreads.

Should butter be cold or room temperature for making shortbread?

Always start with cold butter straight from the refrigerator. This will keep the dough from warming up, making it greasy and difficult to roll out. If the dough does get soft or sticky as you're rolling or cutting it, just put it back in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes to chill the butter.

How do you know when shortbread is done?

Check doneness by looking for an even, light brown colour across the top of the biscuits, with slight darkening at the edges. Begin checking at the tail end of the cooking time. Undercooked shortbread will be doughy and chewy. Slightly overcooked and it will become chalky, brittle and hard.

Is shortbread supposed to be soft when it comes out of the oven?

Yes, upon cooling it will firm up. Shortbread should have a soft and tender texture but be slightly crisp when you bite into it.

Why is my shortbread crumbly after baking?

If your butter and flour ratio is off, your shortbread may have the wrong texture. Butter is key, it contains a large percentage of water, and that water develops the gluten structure which gives strength and crunch to the biscuit.

If you use alternative fats such as oils, which do not contain water, you’ll end up with a crumbly shortbread.

Secrets to the best buttery shortbread (2025)


Secrets to the best buttery shortbread? ›

Avoid over-mixing the dough. Score the surface for even baking without bubbles or cracks. Chill the shaped dough thoroughly before baking. Cut the shortbread while it is still warm, for smooth, even slices.

What is the secret to making good shortbread? ›

Avoid over-mixing the dough. Score the surface for even baking without bubbles or cracks. Chill the shaped dough thoroughly before baking. Cut the shortbread while it is still warm, for smooth, even slices.

What are common mistakes when making shortbread? ›

The most common mistakes when making shortbread are over-working the dough, and incorporating too much flour. The less you work the dough, the more crumbly and melt-in-your-mouth your shortbread cookies will be.

What are the qualities of a good shortbread? ›

Good shortbread is pale, buttery, crunchy, and 'short'. This means it crumbles at every bite, giving that characteristic shortbread texture. It shouldn't be soft or chewy like cookies, and it shouldn't be browned.

Why is shortbread so buttery? ›

Just like shortcake or shortcrust pastry, shortbread cookies get their “short” prefix because of the crumbly texture. The large amount of butter in the cookies makes them crumbly, while also giving them a nice buttery flavor.

What is the difference between shortbread and Scottish shortbread? ›

Traditional Scottish shortbread is a simple recipe made with sugar, butter, flour, and salt. Other shortbread styles will include leavening agents like baking powder and baking soda, which makes them crisp instead of crumbly like traditional Scottish shortbread.

When making shortbread, should the butter be cold? ›

If it's too warm, the butter and sugar cannot properly cream and the cookies will taste dense. Many shortbread recipes call for cold butter worked into the dry ingredients and that gives you a wonderfully flaky cookie but if not mixed properly, the results can be inconsistent.

What happens if you don't poke holes in shortbread? ›

Creating little holes in the top of the shortbread helps any moisture escape from the dough so it cooks more evenly, this also helps create the very 'short' texture of the biscuits. In baking terms, 'short' means crumbly with a melt-in-the-mouth texture.

What happens if you add too much butter to shortbread cookies? ›

Butter is an emulsifier and it makes cookies tender. It also adds in the crispy-around-the-edges element. Adding too much butter can cause the cookies to be flat and greasy. Adding too little butter can cause the cookies to be tough and crumbly.

What happens if you don't chill shortbread? ›

Step 3: The Secret to the Absolute Best Shortbread

Instead, chill the dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes or so (overnight is OK, too). A short stay in the fridge will firm up the cookies and solidify the butter. This will help keep them from spreading too much.

Is powdered sugar or granulated sugar better for shortbread? ›

Confectioner's sugar.

This is the secret to the tender texture and perfect sweetness of these cookies.

Why is Scottish shortbread so good? ›

The high butter quantity in shortbread (one part sugar to two parts butter) gives it that delightfully crumbly feel. And also its name. This is because the old meaning of the world “short” reflects this crumbliness and so the name 'shortbread' stuck.

Why use unsalted butter in shortbread? ›

Unsalted butter for best results

Use unsalted butter for balanced flavour. Unsalted butter was traditionally used in baking because it was a superior product to salted - salt is used as a preservative so unsalted butter was thought to be fresher.

Should you soften butter for shortbread cookies? ›

Many shortbread recipes start by having you cream softened butter with sugar, incorporating the dough with what former Serious Eats editor Stella Parks describes as “micro pockets of air.” Because air is a poor conductor of heat, “it helps insulate the dough from the hot baking sheet in the oven, slowing the rate at ...

What should good shortbread taste like? ›

A good shortbread cookie should be buttery, delicately sweet, and have a bit of gritty texture thanks to crystals of granulated sugar. Extremely crumbly, extremely rich, and extremely delicious, good shortbread should never taste bitter.

Why do you put shortbread in the fridge before baking? ›

Why do you put shortbread cut-out cookies in the fridge before baking? This is to resolidify the butter. The butter is at room temperature when making the dough resulting in a soft dough. If baked straight away, the butter would melt away immediately when hitting the hot oven and the shortbread would spread.

Should you chill shortbread dough before rolling? ›

Chilling the dough before baking will help the shortbread keep their shape while cooking. In the oven, the dough will spread as the butter in the mixture melts, but baking it from chilled helps reduce this effect. It's most important to do this if you are baking the shortbread in individual biscuits.

What does adding cornstarch to shortbread do? ›

The cornstarch is used to give these buttery treats a crispy, melt-in-the-mouth texture. It also helps prevent the cookies from becoming too crumbly and breaking apart. Once you've added cornstarch (cornflour) to these cookies, you're going to want to try it in other cookie recipes to get the incredible texture!

How do you keep shortbread from falling apart? ›

Start with a teaspoon of fat and mix your dough well. If the dough is still falling apart, you can keep adding more in small increments. And at the end of the day, you can always add a little bit of water as well if your shortbread still hasn't formed a cohesive dough.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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