Storage time for rich fruit cake without alcohol - CakeFlix (2024)

Hi, anne.henderson31

There is absolutely nothing to worry about. Rich fruit cakes without alcohol can be stored to mature for months in an airtight container. Your decorating timeline will not interfere with the shelf life of the cake.

After baking, wrap the cake up in parchment paper and a few layers of either foil or cling film and pop it in an airtight container to mature. Instead of feeding it with alcohol, it can be fed with either fruit juice such as orange or, cold tea. This is optional and not necessary as the cake will naturally mature as the fruit begins to break down and moisten the cake over a period of time.

Fruit cakes have a very high concentration of fruit to flour ratio making them shelf-stable for months. Once you marzipan and ice the cake, store it in a cake box to keep it clean and dust-free. Place the box in a cool part of your home away from heat sources and direct sunlight until you need to put in the finishing touches.

In the blog section of the Cakeflix site, found under the resources tab, search ‘storing fruit cake’ to see blogs on storage.

Hope this helps but please do come back if you need more information or reassurance. 🙂

Storage time for rich fruit cake without alcohol - CakeFlix (2024)


Storage time for rich fruit cake without alcohol - CakeFlix? ›

There is absolutely nothing to worry about. Rich fruit cakes without alcohol can be stored to mature for months in an airtight container.

How long does non-alcoholic fruit cake last? ›

How to Store Fruitcake Without Alcohol? Fruitcake without alcohol won't last as long, however, its shelf life can still be maximized through proper storage techniques. Our fruitcake can last up to one month on your countertop, four months in the fridge, and six months in the freezer.

How long will a rich fruit cake keep? ›

Like most rich fruit cakes, it benefits from a maturing period and being fed with some extra alcohol, though in the book it is suggested that the keeping time is 6 weeks and generally we suggest if keeping the cake for longer than this then the cake should be frozen as it will keep for a year.

How do you store fruit cake without alcohol? ›

Wrap each cake in several layers of cheesecloth and then in plastic wrap. Store the cakes in airtight containers in a cool dry place, but not in the refrigerator or freezer. Check carefully at least once a week, as rich, moist cakes mould very easily. If you see any mould, throw out the cake.

What is the best way to store a rich fruit cake? ›

We recommend wrapping your fruitcake in a layer of plastic wrap followed by a layer of foil. Ensure your fruitcake and the foil do not contact one another. Then, place your wrapped cake in an airtight container and set that container in the freezer.

How long can you keep a non-alcoholic Christmas cake? ›

If you followed it exactly and did not add any alcohol in, I would recommend 3-4 weeks max. The cake has a lot of sugar and dried fruit which will help preserve it but it will not last as long as a traditional cake without the alcohol. How do I store a Christmas Cake?

How long can you store Christmas cake in a plastic container? ›

How long can you store Christmas cake? Depending on what recipe you use, Christmas cakes can be kept wrapped up in an airtight container for up to three months in advance.

What two ingredients help fruitcake last longer? ›

Fruitcake lasts longer than most other cakes because it is filled with nuts and candied fruit. It will last even longer if you sprinkle it with a spirit like brandy.

How often should you feed a rich fruit cake? ›

Feed the cake with 1-2 tbsp alcohol every fortnight until you ice it, re-wrapping it each time.

How do you store traditional fruit cake? ›

Master the art of storage by tightly wrapping your fruitcake in parchment paper and foil. Store it in a cool, dark place, allowing the flavors to intensify. To expedite the process, consider placing the wrapped cake in the refrigerator for a day or two, mimicking the effects of extended aging.

Should fruitcake be refrigerated? ›

For best quality, a fruit cake that is tightly wrapped with aluminum foil or saran warp can be stored for up to 1 month in a cool, dark pantry, 6 months in the refrigerator, and 12 months in a freezer. Check often for signs of spoilage, and if mold or off-odors develop, discard the cake.

How to feed a non-alcoholic Christmas cake? ›

It is possible to use orange juice instead of alcohol for feeding Christmas cakes but we would suggest as a precaution that this is only done a couple of months in advance of the cake being eaten.

What is the best alcohol for fruitcake? ›

Other good choices of booze include brandy, rum, or whiskey. Feel free to use one or a mix of these to best complement your fruitcake. Once you've chosen the liquor, bake the cake, poke holes throughout the whole thing, and pour a few tablespoons of the alcohol over it. Or, you can brush the cake with the alcohol.

What is the best container to store fruit cake? ›

Choose the Right Container: To keep your fruit cakes fresh, start by selecting an airtight container. Opt for food-grade containers or tins that provide a secure seal, preventing moisture and air from spoiling the cake.

How do you store a rich Christmas cake? ›

Wrap the cake in greaseproof paper or baking parchment then wrap it in kitchen foil. Store cake in a second layer of foil or in an airtight tin.

What makes fruit cake last so long? ›

The trifecta of sugar, low moisture ingredients and some high-proof spirits make fruitcakes some of the longest-lasting foods in the world.

How long does homemade fruit cake last in fridge? ›

For best quality, a fruit cake that is tightly wrapped with aluminum foil or saran warp can be stored for up to 1 month in a cool, dark pantry, 6 months in the refrigerator, and 12 months in a freezer. Check often for signs of spoilage, and if mold or off-odors develop, discard the cake.

Do you feed a non-alcoholic Christmas cake? ›


If you notice your cake is going dark in the oven too early on and you're worried about it burning on the top, cover it with some foil or baking parchment. Feed your cake every fortnight for up to 2 months. If you prefer not to use alcohol, try tea instead.

How long can you keep a light fruit cake? ›

The cake will keep well wrapped in a cool place for up to 1 month.

How long does Claxton fruit cake last? ›

Of course, a hot cup of coffee serves as the perfect complement to a hearty slice of Claxton Fruit Cake. What is the average shelf-life of a Claxton Fruit Cake? Under normal conditions, our cakes have a shelf-life of approximately six months.

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