Wegmans Catering Party Trays With Menu Prices & Instructions (2024)

Wegmans Catering Menu: Ha u rera kopano, lethathamo la lintho ke e 'ngoe ea lintlha tsa bohlokoa tse lokelang ho ithutoa ka hloko ho netefatsa hore bohle ba khotsofetse.

Ho ka ba thata ho khetha tšebeletso e nang le botumo bo botle ka lebaka la bongata ba likhetho. Lintlha tse latelang li nka lethathamo la lijo tsa Wegman hobane li fana ka mefuta e mengata ea lijo, liphutheloana tse ikhethang, le likhetho tse thusang bakeng sa bareki.

Walter le John Wegman ba thehile Wegmans Rochester, New York, ka 1916. Ho tloha ka nako eo, khoebo e 'nile ea e-ba ea lelapa.

Tafole ea likateng

Ho rera Mokete? Sheba Menu ea Lijo tsa Wegmans bakeng sa Likhetho tse Monate!

Wegmans Catering Party Trays With Menu Prices & Instructions (1)

Khoebo ena e ne e behiloe lethathamong la 4 la ka holimo la makasine ea Fortune la "Lik'hamphani tseo U Batlang ho li Sebetsa." Ba sebetsa le mekhatlo e loantšang tlala. Ho thusa ba hlokang, hangata ba fana ka libanka tsa lijo tsa boahelani.

Pakeng tsa New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Virginia, Maryland le Massachusetts, Wegmans e na le libaka tse 184.

Ba qetile lilemo tse fetang lekholo ba ntse ba etsa sena 'me ba ikemiselitse ho fa bareki ba bona lijo tse phetseng hantle le tse foreshe. Ha u etela Wegmans, u ka kholiseha hore u fallela bophelong bo betere ka ho etsa liqeto tse bohlale.

U khetha eng bakeng sa Wegmans Catering?

Ho rera ketsahalo leha e le efe ho hloka litokisetso tse ngata. U batla hore tšebeletso ea lijo eo u e khethang e be le mefuta e mengata ea likhetho e le hore u se ke ua hloka ho batla kae kapa kae.

Hangata nako e lekanyelitsoe, kahoo ntho e 'ngoe le e' ngoe e tlameha ho phethoa kapele.

Sheba Wegmans Catering haeba u ntse u batla eng kapa eng e tšoanang. Ho na le likhetho tse ngata tsa phepelo e nang le mefuta e fapaneng ea lijo tseo u ka khethang ho tsona.

U ka khetha ho tsoa ho buffet ea lijo tsa mots'eare, khetho ea Mataliana, khetho ea Bophirima, lethathamo la ketsahalo ea kantle, buffet e chesang, kapa e khethehileng bakeng sa machato.

Ntle ho potso, e mong le e mong o batla hore ntho e ’ngoe le e ’ngoe lechatong la hae e be e se nang sekoli. Wegmans o tseba sena mme o fana ka lipoleiti tsa Wegman, e leng khetho e fapaneng eo batho ka bomong ba ka e khethang ka mekhoa ea bona e ikhethang.

Ka lebaka leo, o ka nka menu ea Wegmans Thanksgiving Dinner, ho nahanela haeba u tšoara mokete oa Thanksgiving.

Ho tla ba le lijo tse lokiselitsoeng haholo-holo bakeng sa ketsahalo eo. Mona, o tla batla turkey, 'me u ka e fumana ho bona.

Cold Buffet Catering Menu ea Wegmans

Batho ba batlang boleng empa ba se na chelete e ngata eo ba ka e sebelisang mosebetsing ba tla batla tšebeletso e tla fihlela litlhoko tsa bona. Ho ka ba le tlhoko e sa lebelloang ea ho fepa baeti, joalo ka lepato, mohlala.

Buffet e batang ho Wegmans e batla ho fa bareki monyetla oa ho fihlella ka litheko tse tlase. Ho na le mefuta e meng bakeng sa chisi le nama ea khom*o. Ka litereing, ntho e 'ngoe le e' ngoe e tla hlophisoa ka nepo ho etsa hore ketsahalo e bonahale e le ntle.

Wegmans Catering Cold SubsPrices
3.5″ Sub$4.00
7 ″ Tlanya kapa Phuthela$5.99
14″ Sub$8.99

Catering Trays Menu mmoho le Litheko

Terei ea litholoana tsa Wegman's Catering

Terei e Nyenyane: $26.95 (E Sebeletsa Batho ba 10–15)

Terei e kholo: $46.95 (E sebeletsa batho ba 25–30)




Morara o se nang peo o mokhubelu le o motala


Cheese ea Cream / Marshmallow Dip

Terei ea meroho ea Wegman's Catering

Terei e Nyenyane: $23.95 | E sebeletsa batho ba 15-20

Terei e kholo: $45.95 | E sebeletsa batho ba 30-40






Ditamati tsa Cherry

Meroho Cream Cheese Dip

Wegmans Catering Dutch Platter

Terei e Nyenyane: $39.95 | E sebeletsa batho ba 15-20

Terei e kholo: $68.95 | E sebeletsa batho ba 35-40

Li-Cheese tsa Cubed tse fapaneng

Ring ea Hippy Bologna

Monate Lebanon Bologna


Mehloaare e Metala e Tletseng

Kosher Pickle Spears (Terei e Khōlō Feela)

Wegmans Catering Pickle Tray

$31.95 (E sebeletsa batho ba 20–25)

Mahe a Beet a Khubelu

Mehloaare e Metala e Tletseng

Kosher Pickle Chips & Spears

Li-Pickles tse monate tsa Gherkin

Wegmans Catering Deli Tray

$58.95 | E sebeletsa batho ba 15-20

Ham ea Baked ea Khale

Tavern Ham

Letsoele la Turkey le Besitsoeng ka ontong

Gourmet Nama ea Khom*o e halikiloeng

Cheese ea Amerika

Cheese ea Switzerland KAPA Provolone Cheese

Terei ea Cheese ea Wegman's Catering

Terei e Nyenyane: $29.95 | E sebeletsa batho ba 20-25

Terei e kholo: $45.95 | E sebeletsa batho ba 50-60

Lekhooa la Amerika

Ohio Switzerland

Cooper Sharp



Cubed Middle Sharp

Cheese e ka tšeloa ka likotoana kapa ea tšeloa

Litheko tsa Lijo tsa Wegmans

Ke hobane'ng ha li sebelisoa? Ha e le hantle, ntho e 'ngoe le e' ngoe eo u ka e batlang, ho tloha lijong tsa menoana ho ea ho li-trays tse ntle tsa lijo. Kaha lijo tsohle li tlameha ho ba tse ncha le tse phelang 'me li hloka nako e itseng ho itokisetsa hantle, ho eletsoa ho beha odara bonyane lihora tse 48 esale pele. Tsoela pele ho bala ho ithuta haholoanyane ka lethathamo la lijo tsa Wegmans.

Li-plaque le literei

Colourburst Vegetable Tray - Terei ena e kenyelletsa meroho e mecha e tsoakiloeng joalo ka lihoete, zucchini, pelepele tse nyane tse monate, cauliflower le broccoli.

Mahare (e sebeletsa 25-30)$26.99
E kholo (e sebeletsa 35-50)$36.99

Terei ea meroho e halikiloeng -Meroho e halikiloeng le hummus ea pepere e khubelu e halikiloeng.

1 boholo (E sebeletsa 20-24)$70

Terei e Ntle ea Litholoana - The assortment ea melon, phaenapole, morara, le fragole ka platter ea litholoana tse ncha e sebelisoa ka yogurt. Litholoana li ka fetoha le nako ea selemo.

(e sebeletsa 20-25)
Terei e kholo
(batho ba 25-30)

Sliced ​​Fruit Platter

Litholoana tse ncha tse hlophisitsoeng ka bokhabane li etsa setsi sa bohlokoa se monate bakeng sa kopano ea hau e latelang. Li-strawberry, morara, phaenapole, libanana le litholoana tse ling li teng ka platter.

Mahareng (e sebeletsa 28-36)$75
E kholo (e sebeletsa 38-48)$85

Crudites Platter: Lipalesa tsa broccoli tse entsoeng ka blanched, li-haricots verts, asparagus e khaotsoeng, lithupa tsa celery, tamati ea morara, fennel e entsoeng ka julienned, le radishes li hlophisitsoe ka bokhabane ka pelepele e nyenyane e monate. Bakeng sa ho qoelisoa, hummus le baba ghanouj li kenyelelitsoe.

Mahareng (e sebeletsa 16-20)$65
E kholo (e sebeletsa 24-30)$85

Cheese Platters: Ho itšetlehile ka mofuta oa chisi eo u batlang ho e sebeletsa, ho na le menyetla e fetang 15 e fapaneng ea platter ea chisi. Cheese ea Italy.

Platter ea Lefatše Lohle (E Khōlō)

E sebeletsa 18-22

Platter ea Lefatše Lohle (Bohareng)
E sebeletsa 13-17
Weekender Platter (E Khōlō)
E sebeletsa 18-22
Weekender Platter (Bohareng)
E sebeletsa (13-17)
Pokello ea Cheese e tsoang Europe
E sebeletsa 20-25
Pokello ea Cheese e tsoang Amerika
E sebeletsa 20-25
Pokello ea Cheese e tsoang Italy
E sebeletsa 20-25
Pokello ea Cheese e tsoang Fora
E sebeletsa 20-25
Pokello ea Cheese e tsoang Spain
E sebeletsa 20-25
Worldy Cheese Collection
E sebeletsa 35-50
French, Italy, European, Spanish, American, kapa French Quartet$35.00

Li-Shrimp Trays: Ho phaella moo, lijo tsa Wegmans li fana ka lijana tsa jumbo shrimp tse entsoeng ka sehatsetsing, tse phehiloeng pele, 'me li tšeloa ka sauce.

Palo ea 24$29
Palo ea 40$55
Palo ea 60$80

Lijo tsa menoana: Wegmans Catering e boetse e na le lijo tse 4 tse fapaneng tsa menoana.

Tlhaloso ea Menu/Boholotheko
Cheese ea Cubed & Terei ea Litholoana (Bohareng)
E sebeletsa 13-17
Cheese ea Cubed & Terei ea Litholoana (E Khōlō)
E sebeletsa 18-22
Cheese ea Cubed & Terei ea Nama (Bohareng)
E sebeletsa 13-17
Cheese e Kholo le Terei ea Nama (E Khōlō)
E sebeletsa 18-22
Li-Snackers Tray
E sebeletsa 18-24
Terei ea Mokete oa Mahe a Senyehileng
E sebeletsa 8-10

O Itokiselitse ho Chesa Dips - Ho feta moo, o ka fumana li-dips tse 4 tse fapaneng ho tsoa ho Wegmans catering. E hloka feela ho futhumatsa hanyane pele o sebelisoa.

Tlhaloso ea Menu/Boholotheko
Buffalo Blue Cheese Dip e se nang mapheo
E sebeletsa 6-8
Sepinachi le Artichoke Dip
E sebeletsa 6-8
Crab & Pepperjack Dip
E sebeletsa 6-8
Seterei sa Southwestern Dip
E sebeletsa 10-12

U ka odara Wegmans Catering joang?

U na le monyetla o motle oa ho odara lijo tsa Wegmans haeba u batla. Ka kopo hlokomela hore e le hore u finyelle sena, u tlameha ho qala ho ea webosaeteng ea bona ea semmuso, u khethe lebenkele la hau le khetho ea ho tsamaisa, ebe u khetha Catering. Ho feta moo, hopola hore o ntse o hloka ho futhumatsa lijo tsa Wegmans pele o li sebeletsa ha o reka lijo. Ho feta moo, liodara tse ngata tsa phepelo li se li fumaneha ka har'a mabenkele a 'Meals 2GO menu. U ka khoasolla sesebelisoa sa Meals 2GO 'me ua odara mahala inthaneteng ho etsa hore mokhoa oa ho odara lijo o be bonolo.

Wegmans Catering Party Trays With Menu Prices & Instructions (2)

Kara Clayton

  • Website

Kara Clayton ke sengoli se ikemetseng ka mosebetsi oa hae hape ke motho ea chesehelang marang-rang, morati oa tlhaho, raditšoantšo, motho ea sa tsebeng letho ka maeto, morati oa 'mino le motho ea ratang ho itlosa bolutu ka ho itlosa bolutu. O entse mangolo a hae a Lingoliloeng tsa Sekhooa le kabo ea hae ea Kamorao ho Boqolotsi ba Litaba le Puisano ea 'Misa. O rata mosebetsi oa hae oa ho boloka lingoliloeng tse mabapi le bophelo bo botle, feshene, lichelete, mokhoa oa bophelo, theknoloji, khoebo le USP ea hae ke mokhoa oa hae oa ho ngola o bonolo empa o khahla.

Wegmans Catering Party Trays With Menu Prices & Instructions (2024)


How many full trays of food do I need for 40 people? ›

For 40 guests, you may need around 4-5 trays of food, depending on the dish and the serving size.

How to heat Wegmans shrimp gyoza? ›

Toaster Oven
  1. Place a sheet of aluminum foil in a toaster oven.
  2. Place gyoza on the foil and face the grilled surface up.
  3. Heat gyoza for approx. 5 minutes with 400-450°F.

How much food for a party of 50? ›

On average, plan for each adult to consume about 1 pound of food total (not including dessert). Count on children to consume about a ½ pound. Remember; the more options you have, the less you need of each.

How much food do I need for 45 guests? ›

Once you've decided on your event of choice, here's how to calculate how much food you'll need. Aim to provide around 6-8 courses of small bite size food per person. Each course should have enough for 1-1.5 pieces of food per person.

Do you eat gyoza hot or cold? ›

These pot stickers can be served hot or cold, with or without the dipping sauce.

Can you microwave frozen gyoza? ›

Microwave method

Place frozen dumplings in a microwave safe container. Add enough water so that it covers the dumplings by half or 2/3. Cover and microwave on high for 2-3 minutes or until dumplings are cooked through. Drain the remaining water.

How to reheat Wegmans dumplings? ›

Place damp paper towel over potstickers or dumplings. Place tray in microwave and heat on high for 3-4 minutes until internal temperature reaches 165°F.

How much food to serve for 40 people? ›

Each adult will consume 1 pound of food total; children, about 1/2 pound. The more options you have, the less you need of each; decrease the main course portion sizes by 1 to 2 ounces if served on a buffet.

How to cater for 40 guests? ›

To avoid waste and expense work to feeding about 34 people if 40 attending." Remember if you're doing a number of dishes, you don't need to provide enough for people to have a full portion of each. If you're worried about running out, bulk up on cheaper items like potatoes, bread and salad.

How many trays of pizza do I need for 40 people? ›

How Many Pizzas Should You Order?
GuestsPizzas Needed
208 pizzas
2510 pizzas
3012 pizzas
4015 pizzas
4 more rows

How many sandwiches do I need for 40 guests? ›

As a general rule, ordering 1.5 sandwiches per person is the perfect number. If you're ordering a salad or an accompanying platter, 1 sandwich per person is the preferred portion size.

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Author: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

Birthday: 1996-01-14

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Hobby: Cosplaying, Inline skating, Amateur radio, Baton twirling, Mountaineering, Flying, Archery

Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.