What Does It Mean If You See An Orb? ⋆ Liz Roberta (2024)

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There are different theories about what it means if you see an orb.

I’ve never experienced one myself, but I’d heard the word flying around (no pun intended) and read about them in Wayne Dyer’s book, Wishes Fulfilled, where he shows a series of photos of his family with clear, white circles of light captured next to them.

Depending on who you’re talking to about this, you’ll hear different things – so the most important thing is to discern what it means for you. Does it feel like a sign? An optical illusion from the photography process? Or a visit from the spirit of a passed loved one?

The context can also give you the answer you’re looking for. For example, the colour of the orb, whether it was seen in real life or in a photo, and the situation it was spotted in.

Take your own meaning from this information, and see which answer feels best for you.

What Does It Mean If You See An Orb? ⋆ Liz Roberta (1)

An orb is a round sphere of light captured in a photo or seen hovering with the naked eye.

They’re usually white but can come in different colours which I’ll talk more about below…

What Does It Mean If You See An Orb? ⋆ Liz Roberta (2)

It’s this part that’s up for debate.

Most of the time when they’re seen in photos, it’s some dust in the air that has been illuminated by a flash.

However, this is when it’s important to start assessing the situation and surroundings of the photo. If there was no flash and no focused stream of light to show particles in the air like that, it starts to become more mysterious.

What Does It Mean If You See An Orb? ⋆ Liz Roberta (3)

Often when people believe that a photo of an orb is the spirit of a passed loved one (like in Wayne Dyer’s example), it’s because they appear in photos of important occasions, like a wedding, graduation, Christmas or family party. At these high energy events with all of the family there, you’d assume these would be the best moments for spirits to visit and manifest as an orb. In these instances, people may take it as a sign that a much loved family member was there in spirit.

What Does It Mean If You See An Orb? ⋆ Liz Roberta (4)

When seen in real life, there are also stories of pets being drawn to them. Dogs will bark and cats will chase them. There are countless tales of – particularly dogs – reacting to metaphysical phenomena like this. Their ability to pick up frequencies is far greater than the human body’s ability, so if you think of orbs as high frequency energy, it would make sense that animals can sense them more than we can.

If you think you’ve seen an orb, ask yourself these questions:

✦ Was it in a photo or seen with the naked eye? If you’ve seen a floating ball of light with your naked eye, it’s much more likely to be a spiritual phenomenon.

✦ What event was this orb seen at? Happy events with family members are more likely to have a visitation from a loved one.

✦ How did you feel about it? Is there something in your mind telling you that it’s just dust in the photo? Or did it give you goosebumps and the feeling it’s something supernatural?

In summary, it really depends on the specific situation the orb has been seen in and your own interpretation of the cause.

What Does It Mean If You See An Orb? ⋆ Liz Roberta (5)

If you think you’ve encountered an orb that’s high frequency energy (and not an optical illusion), the colour of the energy might tell you the purpose of its visit.

The most commonly seen are white and clear orbs. The energy of these is light, positive, and usually thought to indicate the spirit of a loved one.

Conversely, a dark orb (such as a black orb) can be interpreted as a sign of danger or to say there’s something to be cautious about. It could also mean there’s a low vibration spirit living in the place where it was seen.

Blue is the colour of our Spirit Guides (as it says in the book Journey of Souls) so if you see a blue orb,it could be interpreted as a visitation from one of yours. Similarly, purple orbs are considered to be a spiritual message reminding you of your soul origin and asking you to follow a spiritual calling.

Green is always related to the colour of healing in spirituality, so you could see a green orb as a message that healing energy is being delivered to you.

The colours of the orbs have also been linked to the colours of different Archangels. As well as spirits, orbs are viewed by some people as a visitation from an Archangel. There are many different opinions about the colour that each Archangel will show up as, so I’ll leave it to you and your mind’s eye – but from my own experience, I’ve found AA Raphael to be seen as green and AA Michael to be somewhere on the spectrum between blue and silver.

Whether you see an orb as a positive omen or a spooky optical illusion, it’s definitely an interesting phenomenon when they appear.

If you think they symbolise a visitation, then it’s wonderful to have photographic proof of that. If you don’t think a spirit would show up in that way, then that’s fine too.

When you’re trying to understand what it means when you see an orb, the most important thing is how you feel based on your interpretation of the circ*mstances.

What Does It Mean If You See An Orb? ⋆ Liz Roberta (6)What Does It Mean If You See An Orb? ⋆ Liz Roberta (7)What Does It Mean If You See An Orb? ⋆ Liz Roberta (8)What Does It Mean If You See An Orb? ⋆ Liz Roberta (9)What Does It Mean If You See An Orb? ⋆ Liz Roberta (10)What Does It Mean If You See An Orb? ⋆ Liz Roberta (11)What Does It Mean If You See An Orb? ⋆ Liz Roberta (12)What Does It Mean If You See An Orb? ⋆ Liz Roberta (13)What Does It Mean If You See An Orb? ⋆ Liz Roberta (14)

What Does It Mean If You See An Orb? ⋆ Liz Roberta (15)

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What Does It Mean If You See An Orb? ⋆ Liz Roberta (16)

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22 Responses

  1. so my friend and I talk on the phone (face time) and, she will say she see’s white orbs over my head from time to time



    1. A few years ago me and my family got a dog and we already had a cat at the time and when they were sniffing each other me and my mom both saw a blue orb between them and we were living in my great grandma’s old house on the time



    2. quick question… i am able to create orbs of light at will from any light source when it is dark enough.

      just to mentally connect to it to make it move where I want… I can move several at the same time in a synchronized way.

      in short, a rather rare ability that I don’t know how to use.

      Thanks to anyone who can enlighten me



      1. I can do the same thing, I’m curious myself as to what this means!!!!


    3. I’m trying to figure out if I’m actually seeing an orb or not. The ones I have seen have just appeared, once on my pillow at night and I was in awe and fascinated (the night before I heard my Grandmothers sister had died) and another during multiple dreams in consecutive days after a traumatic event. That time I was trying to get closer to it but I never got close to it. It was just there out of reach. They were not exactly purely circular in shape but the light and shape kept merging and changing like it was forming something but never formed anything. The colors were orange, yellow maybe pink and the colors were all there but moving within the area. Now I want to see more to know what exactly am I seeing?



  2. I see orbs most of the time. I see them in my room. Very bright. Mostly white, sometimes blue. Sometimes purple. Sometimes my room is filled with many, many shimmering twinkling white lights. When I close my eyes I see thousands of orbs like looking at the stars in the sky. Some of them come right up to my face. They never do anything. They are just present. I do not feel anything from them. I do not know if we are supposed to communicate. I have been spoken to in different settings by guides to get me through horrendous domestic abuse. But this is not connected to the orbs. I don’t know if I am to do something. Viv



    1. I see white orbs float across my perifial vision all day long every day ,…..I’m an empathetic clairaudient and im new to all of it…..but I do get a good feeling when I see them ….I’m trying to understand my gifts of intuition and clairaudience, mind you just seen another orb and that’s two within minutes…..and I’m underneath my blanket on my tablet😀



      1. I’ve seen them my backyard close to the house, as well as inside on the wall at the same time. They are about three inches in diameter and clear/white. I feel a benevolence, amazement, curiosity, delight. They hover/move close about tthe ground and my husband saw a grouping move across the yard then disappear into the ground
        One other thing, two years ago the fan in my bedroom from time to time began turning slowly, without power or breeze for hours, days. After 20 years, this still fan has taken on a new life. Ideas would be greatly appreciated.


  3. I have them recorded on my security night vision camera. I have never seen them before and it’s a little unsettling. I would love to know what they mean.



  4. I have lived for past 2 yrs in an old house built in 1950s. I saw an orb of light from corner of my eye. My dog saw it too. Then orb floated up through the ceiling. My dog continued to stare at ceiling for several minutes then at me. My wife and i also hear my computer keyboard clicking away at various times of day and night when no-one is in our office. It’s a bit weird. I do t feel threatened but my wife is spooked.



  5. My mother died and when I was going to the house to see her. When I approached the stop sign right before the house, a clear orb passed before my car. I knew it was her. I also took care of an autistic boy. When I would take video of him so many orbs were around him.



  6. I have seen a white orb with my eyes and I know I could hear the man laughing or talking. This orb spirit caused noise in the house quite often; I knew a spirit was there and I used plenty of white strings of light to make him leave and I said some positive words and finally he left. I know to some people that may sound a bit odd but, I knew I had to make this spirit leave and move on.



  7. I woke up this morning to see a bright white orb in my pitch black room. Stared at it wondering how it was there and was it an orb, having lost both my brother and my mother. It then disappeared. Absolutely no possible reason for it to be. Then it hit me that today was my mother’s birthday. She would have been 83. I know now that is was my mother.



  8. I had an orb trigger my ring. I followed it until it disappeared into the side of my house. Shortly, I checked outside and when I came back into the house and turned the front door light off, a string orb appeared swiftly and flew towards my neighbors house. My neighbor had passed several months prior and I was the one who found her.



  9. We had to lay to rest our beautiful baby boy at three months old. The following morning after his burial a family member went to the gravesite. There was a small green orb hovering around the beautiful flowers that covered the ground. She took a video of it and it’s undeniably something beautiful.



  10. I often see orbs the white and clear I’m always at peace when I do see them especially when I’m in church. I lost my son February this year and I was on my way to work today and seen a white orb in my truck I’m never scared or worried or feel like I’m in any danger I just feel peaceful.



  11. I have seen multiple orbs over the past 20 years with the naked eye. They have all been about the size of a tennis ball. The first one was blue. It was across the room about 15 feet away. A few years later I saw a white one dancing around in the early morning before the sun rose. Just last year I was next door at a friends house and I saw a green and a red one. Those were just a few feet away from me. Nobody else saw them. The last one really freaked me out because they were both in the same night and within just a few minutes of each other.



  12. My first and only experience with orbs was in my home. I came home rather late one night and when I opened my door after exiting my garage entering my family room, there were at least ten beautiful blue orbs bouncing around my room. It shocked me and it was such a strange sight yet beautiful and so peaceful. As I watched them dancing around the room, I thought this is strange and I ran up the stairs. They followed me to the stairs, stopped and disappeared.



  13. I just moved in to this apartment. Yesterday morning I was in the bathroom and a white orb, very close to the carpet passed by the door. I wonder is the orb for me or for someone who lived in the apartment before me.



  14. A dear friend send me a video taken when she and her 5 sisters got together on a beach in Hawaii to scatter the ashes of an another sister (my best friend) that had passed 2 years before. They scattered flower petals and the ashes in the ocean and also included ashes of that sister’s pet that had recently passed. They saw a green orb reflecting from a rock in the ocean while they were there. Many pictures and videos were taken during the get together. It was a beautiful day and all had a wonderful time together remembering their sister. When my friend got home and started looking at the video, she saw one video that had a green orb flying in and out and between her and one of her sisters. It even looks like the orb had little hummingbird type wings. The video was over 30 seconds long and the orb moved around purposefully the whole time. I saw the video and knew it was the spirit of my best friend. I’ve never seen anything like that before!



  15. Me and my friend both seen an orb during the day .
    It was the size of golf ball or a little smaller and it appeared out of nowhere .
    I seen it first near my friends head then it suddenly bounced off his back then down to the floor and disappeared.
    I said did you see that ? He said I flung a lit match at him and I said I swear I didn’t .
    Then it a few seconds later I seen it bouncing around near the top of a 60ft pine tree top.
    It was appearing for a few seconds and then it would zig zag around fast and would disappear only to reappear a few seconds later .
    I pointed it out and my friend also seen it and we couldn’t believe what we seen it only lasted less than 10 seconds and it disappeared .
    We later both agreed it was probably our mutual friend who was tragically stabbed to death at the age of 19 only a few weeks earlier .
    The orb was spotted directly around the block from our friends residence so we assumed it was him and he was showing is ability to fly like an angle .
    I have goose bumps as I write about this experience.
    I’m so happy I was not the only one to witness this nobody would ever believe me .



  16. I see orbs on a daily basis in the house I live and figured they were here first and I find them amazing. While recording this one orb came flying along then turned and stopped right in front of the camera, grew very bright then shot off the left like he knew what was happening. I also believe they are guardians and it gives me a sense of peace…



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What Does It Mean If You See An Orb? ⋆ Liz Roberta (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.