What to Serve with Every Soup - What's for Dinner? (2024)

A steaming bowl of soup is a great winter dish, but it can rarely stand on its own. Sandwiches, salads and sides can round out your favorite soup recipes without taking over the meal. Check out these soup pairings that will warm – and fill – you up.

JUMP TO: Chicken Tortilla, Butternut Squash, French Onion, Black Bean, Chili, Minestrone, Split Pea, Clam Chowder, Chicken Noodle, Lentil, Broccoli Cheese, Tomato, Potato, Beef Stew, Potato Leek, Carrot, Cream of Mushroom, Seafood Bisque, and Pumpkin.

What to Serve with Tortilla Soup

Mexican flavors work well with this easy-to-make, yet filling chicken tortilla soup. Try combining it with a quesadilla, a spicy slaw or the standard guacamole side, served with chips.

What to Serve with Every Soup - What's for Dinner? (1)

What to Serve with Every Soup - What's for Dinner? (2)

What to Serve with Squash Soup

Starchy vegetable sides can cut the rich flavors of this fall standard. Try adding a crunchy topping to your favorite roasted veggie or put fresh ingredients on a pizza or flatbread.

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What to Serve with Every Soup - What's for Dinner? (4)

What to Serve with French Onion Soup

A hearty, cheesy favorite, French onion soup tastes great with fresh baguette and a light, classic Caesar salad. If you want something a little different, try serving it with roasted veggie strips, which can also help balance out the heavy dish.

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What to Serve with Every Soup - What's for Dinner? (6)

What to Serve with Black Bean Soup

Popular in Mexico and the Caribbean, black beans make for an easy, nutritious soup. Tomato, corn, peppers and avocados can freshen up and mellow out the heavy flavors liek these poblano pepper tacos.

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What to Serve with Every Soup - What's for Dinner? (8)

What to Serve with Chili

A hearty standard, moist and fluffy cornbread goes perfectly with spicy chili. The sweetness of the cornbread tempers the heat of the chili for a balanced and delicious meal. You can even make them together in one dish by putting your cornbread batter on top of the chili and baking it together. This saves time on cooking and the cleanup afterward.

What to Serve with Every Soup - What's for Dinner? (9)

What to Serve with Every Soup - What's for Dinner? (10)

What to Serve with Minestrone

This thick, Italian soup is very versatile – you can mix in whatever vegetables, beans, spices and grains you want. It goes great with a crunchy carbohydrate, and cheese can help balance the spices in the soup. Get the best of both worlds with mini pizzas.

What to Serve with Every Soup - What's for Dinner? (11)

What to Serve with Every Soup - What's for Dinner? (12)

What to Serve with Split Pea Soup

Creamy split pea soup is great for dipping sandwiches into. Try a fancy grilled cheese or a small version of your family’s favorite roast beef sandwich.

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What to Serve with Every Soup - What's for Dinner? (14)

What to Serve with Clam Chowder

Traditional oyster crackers are just not enough, so try serving a seafood side or fresh salad with your clam chowder. If you are making the Manhattan style, stick with a tomato, leafy base, while the New England variety works best with a grainy, citrus slaw or salad.

What to Serve with Every Soup - What's for Dinner? (15)

What to Serve with Every Soup - What's for Dinner? (16)

What to Serve with Chicken Noodle Soup

A simple salad and warm, tender, cheesy biscuits add the only ingredients you don’t have covered with this meat, veggie and carbohydrate-packed chicken noodle soup.

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What to Serve with Every Soup - What's for Dinner? (18)

What to Serve with Lentil Soup

This protein-heavy soup can use some lightening up. Try a veggie tartine or steamed vegetable pouch with your lentil concoction.

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What to Serve with Every Soup - What's for Dinner? (20)

What to Serve with Broccoli Cheese Soup

Creamy and cheesy comfort calls for a meaty counterpart. Try crumbling bacon over the top of your favorite broccoli cheese soup or pair it with a mini ham bruschetta. For a vegetarian spin, pour soup on top of a split baked potato.

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What to Serve with Every Soup - What's for Dinner? (22)

What to Serve with Tomato Soup

Another classic combo, grilled cheese sandwiches add the butter and cheese necessary to cut tomato soup‘s acidity. Simple in flavor and easy to make, this balance of rich and tangy has become a feel-good classic in almost every home. Add some veggies for a refreshing and nutritious twist.

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What to Serve with Every Soup - What's for Dinner? (24)

What to Serve with Potato Soup

Another soup and sandwich staple, a ham sandwich with potato soup is the perfect solution to a cold, dreary day. Make small sandwiches to keep the meal balances and keep within the comfort theme. You can use Hawaiian rolls or fresh rye bread depending on your family’s tastes. This also works well with roast beef.

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What to Serve with Every Soup - What's for Dinner? (26)

What to Serve with Beef Stew

Tender Texas toast lighten up the hearty and intense nature of beef soup. Jazz them up with cheese and spices to take your biscuits to the next level.

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What to Serve with Every Soup - What's for Dinner? (28)

What to Serve with Potato Leek Soup

Potatoes and leeks are hearty on their own, but some protein can really elevate the meal. Try staying within the eastern European and German theme with bratwurst or schnitzel-like crispy chicken.

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What to Serve with Carrot Soup

Spices and cream can leave your carrot soup thick. Try soaking it up with a freshly baked fruit bread or tasty bruschetta.

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What to Serve with Cream of Mushroom

Rich and creamy mushroom soup works best with crunchy sides. Baked vegetable or chicken tenders will bring some depth to this comforting favorite.

What to Serve with Every Soup - What's for Dinner? (31)

What to Serve with Seafood Bisque

Often packed with heavy cream, flour, half and half, and fish, this thick, rich mixture combines well with veggies like buttered asparagus or cooked carrots. It also adds nutrients to what your family or dinner guests will consider a decadent treat.

What to Serve with Every Soup - What's for Dinner? (32)

What to Serve with Pumpkin Soup

Pumpkin soup can be served warm or cold, but the smooth, strong flavor works best with other fall staples like butternut squash, apples and turkey. You can also try sprinkling the top of your soup with roasted pumpkin seeds or mix some up in a delicious salad wrap.

What to Serve with Every Soup - What's for Dinner? (33)

What to Serve with Every Soup - What's for Dinner? (2024)
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Name: Errol Quitzon

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