Women's Waterproof Knit Shoes | Vessi Footwear (2024)

Women's Waterproof Knit Shoes | Vessi Footwear (1)

How to Measure

  • Step 1: Place the measuring tape around your upper chest
  • Step 2: Ensure the tape is flat, but not too tight
  • Step 1: Step on a piece of paper with your heel slightly touching a wall behind.
  • Step 2: Mark the end of your longest toe on the paper and measure from the wall to the marking.
  • Step 3: Do the same for the other foot and compare measurements with our size chart to get the right size.

Unsure on Size or Colour?

Our support team is here to help. Contact us at support@vessi.com.

No worries – our hassle-free 90-day return policy allows you to try us on for size and find the perfect pair.

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Women's Waterproof Knit Shoes | Vessi Footwear (2) Women's Waterproof Knit Shoes | Vessi Footwear (3)

{( productTitle )} {( fetched_product.color_name ? fetched_product.color_name : fetched_product.color )}

{( isAddingToCart ? 'Adding to Cart' : loadingQuickAdd ? 'Loading' : 'Quick Add' )}


Women's Waterproof Knit Shoes | Vessi Footwear (4)

{( productTitle )}
{( fetched_product.color_name ? fetched_product.color_name : fetched_product.color )}

- Sold Out Final Sale

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Women's Waterproof Knit Shoes | Vessi Footwear (2024)


Are knit shoes waterproof? ›

Knit sneakers take really well to moisture-repellants because of their fabric. In fact, that's the plus side about knit sneakers; the good ones can be 100% waterproof by virtue of their material alone.

Do waterproof shoes really work? ›

You're running in snow: Waterproof shoes will keep moisture from snow from passing through the fabric uppers, and when combined with gaiters, the snow is unlikely to come in through the top. They will also keep your feet warmer than non-waterproof shoes.

Do you wear socks with Vessi shoes? ›

Our patented Dyma-tex® knit material is super breathable and soft to the touch, so whether or not you choose to wear socks is personal preference. That said, wearing socks can help wick moisture and heat away from your feet, which can improve comfort and prevent early wear. Do Vessi Shoes Accommodate Orthotics?

What are the benefits of knit shoes? ›

The main benefits of knit uppers
  • MACHINE WASHABLE. Can you imagine? ...
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Jul 28, 2022

Can waterproof shoes get wet? ›

If you walk through pouring rain or ford a river your feet and your shoes will get wet. Waterproof shoes will hold the precipitation longer, but once they get wet it takes days for them to dry.

How long do waterproof shoes stay waterproof? ›

With no aftercare, waterproof shoes and boots should last a couple of years but with proper care, you can make sure they keep your feet dry for many more trips after that. Correct aftercare includes regular cleaning and reproofing, if you are an avid hiker, we'd recommend reproofing 3 or 4 times a year.

Which is better waterproof or water resistant shoes? ›

Water repellent shoes are ideal for everyday use, as they provide a basic level of protection from light showers and splashes. Waterproof shoes, on the other hand, offer a higher level of protection against more intense and prolonged wet conditions.

When should you wear waterproof shoes? ›

Best Uses for Waterproof Footwear

There's certainly a time and place for waterproof footwear—namely damp, cold weather or terrain that's muddy or snowy. Think winter hikes, shallow stream crossings, and day trips in often-wet climates.

Why are Vessi shoes so popular? ›

Vessi shoes are special because the waterproof design was a priority, not an afterthought. We patented a material called Dyma-Tex that's unlike anything you've seen in footwear before. It's waterproof, breathable, stretchy, and lightweight.

Do Vessi shoes get smelly? ›

We design our Vessi waterproof shoes to keep moisture out, preventing water from seeping into the shoes and creating a damp environment that easily promotes mildew growth. By effectively repelling water, these shoes help minimize the risk of moisture accumulation and reduce the chances of developing a mildew smell.

Do Vessi shoes run big or small? ›

Vessis fit true to size! So, go with your most common US sneaker size.

How do you know if shoes are waterproof? ›

There are a few tell tale signs which make it easier to spot a pair of waterproof shoes. Firstly, many waterproof shoes will be labelled as such, or may even feature a waterproof logo somewhere on the shoe itself. Another sign that a pair of shoes might be waterproof is in the thickness of the lining.

What shoes do Navy SEALs wear in water? ›

Teamguys are actually issued clean pairs of all-black Chucks for use in maritime operations. Some choose to wear them on land missions. Not only do the SEALs get to take down some of the world's worst bad guys, but they also get to look old school cool while doing it.

Why are waterproof shoes good? ›

Prevent Cold Feet

This can not only lead to a very uncomfortable run or hike; it's also crucial to take into consideration how important keeping warm is during extreme winter conditions. Wearing waterproof shoes will prevent this altogether, keeping you – and your feet – warm and dry.

What shoe material is waterproof? ›

Waterproof footwear is usually made of intrinsically waterproof fabrics, such as nylon or leather, making them perfect for wet conditions. This type of boot typically features rubber, polyurethane, or neoprene uppers and tough rubber outsoles.

Is FlyKnit material waterproof? ›

I knocked the FlyKnit Shields down a point because they aren't fully waterproof, but otherwise they're stellar. You don't want to take them on the trail, but they're perfect for the street.

Are true knit golf shoes waterproof? ›

TRUE Linkswear is known for their knits. The Lux Hybrid features a waterproof knit upper that feels really good. Knits are, by design, not as stable. But, True added a TPU mudguard/rand to keep your feet from sliding over the footbed.

Are knit sneakers durable? ›

A seamless knit upper has no seams, resulting in a stronger and more durable shoe that is more resistant to wear and tear than its counterpart.

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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.