Baby-led weaning: pros and cons | Baby & toddler, Feeding articles & support | NCT (2024)

You might have heard of it but are not surehow to do it. We look at the pros and cons of baby-led weaning, and how you can start your baby on their first foods.

What is baby-led weaning?

Baby-led weaning is all about offering your baby a selection of foods to choose from and letting them feed themselves. Introducing your little one to solids through baby-led weaning allows them to be in charge, explore, and choose what they pick up and eat. This means they’re more likely to develop the skills needed to take food into their mouth, move it around andswallowsafely.

So far so simple, but here we explain what else you might want to know before deciding to introduce solids in this way.

When can I start baby-led weaning?

The recommended age to start baby-led weaning is from six months onwards (NHS, 2019). This is the same age as the alternative – spoon-feeding (NHS, 2019).

How do I start baby-led weaning?

To try baby-led weaning, your baby will need to be able to grasp whole pieces of food and bring them to their mouth. Babies usually develop this skill at around six months old (Naylor and Morrow, 2001; Wright et al, 2011).

First, you need to sit your baby upright facing the table, either on your lap or in a highchair. Make sure they are steady and can use their hands and arms freely (Rapley and Murkett, 2010).

You can start by offering your baby soft sticks and chunks of food, rather than feeding it to them (Public Health England, no date; First Steps Nutrition Trust, 2020). Try offering them things like:

  • cooked vegetables
  • fruit
  • pasta
  • soft foods like banana or avocado.

See our other article for more baby-led weaning how-to tips.

What are the benefits of baby-led weaning?

  • Your little one has the chance to choose, pick up and explore food themselves, helping them to gain independence.
  • They get used to different food textures from the beginning.
  • Your baby can be offered food that the whole family is eating, with little need for further preparation.
  • Parents often say that babies who choose what to feed themselves have wider food tastes. The evidence is mixed about whether baby-led weaning could stop babies from becoming fussy eaters (Boswell, 2021).
  • Some research suggests babies who feed themselves are more likely to control their appetite, perhaps reducing their risk of being overweight later in life. Other research suggests that’s not the case, so we don’t yet know for sure.(Townsend and Pitchford, 2012, Brown and Lee 2015; Rapley, 2015; Brown et al, 2017; Lakshman et al, 2017; Boswell, 2021)

What are the negatives of baby-led weaning?

  • Some parents worry that baby-led weaning is more likely to cause their baby to choke than spoon-feeding. Emerging evidence suggests that baby-led weaning may result in more gagging as babies get used to swallowing but no increased likelihood of choking (Brown, 2018).
  • Baby-led weaning can be messier than spoon-feeding. But whether you’re spoon-feeding or baby-led weaning, you’re bound to have some mess at this age.
  • One concern is whether baby led-weaning provides a varied and nutritious enough diet. However, numerous studies have now shown that babies take in enough energy with a baby-led weaning approach (Cameron et al, 2015; Taylor et al, 2017; Morison et al, 2018). And at this stage, milk feeds are still your baby's main source of nutrients and first foods are a way of exploring tastes and textures.

Baby-led weaning and choking

There is no evidence to suggest babies are more likely to choke with baby-led weaning, compared to spoon-feeding (Boswell, 2021). The NHS says there is no more risk of choking when a baby feeds themselves than when they are fed with a spoon (NHS, 2019).

All babies have a strong gag reflex, and there's a cleardifference between gagging and choking. When your baby gags, their eyes may water, they might cough, retch or make a noise in their throat and go red in the face. But if they are choking, their face will go pale or bluish and they will be silent.

Make sure you know what to do if your baby is choking. Some parents find it helpful to attend an NCT baby first aid course to help build up their confidence.

This page was lastreviewed in February 2022

Further information

Our support line offers practical and emotional support with feeding your baby and general enquiries for parents, members and volunteers: 0300 330 0700.

You might find attending one of our Early Days groups helpful as they give you the opportunity to explore different approaches to important parenting issues with a qualified group leader and other new parents in your area.

Make friends with other parents-to-be and new parents in your local area for support and friendship by seeing what NCT activities are happening nearby.

Boswell N. (2021) Complementary feeding methods - a review of the benefits and risks. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 18(13):7165. Available at:

Brown A. (2018) No difference in self-reported frequency of choking between infants introduced to solid foods using a baby-led weaning or traditional spoon-feeding approach. J Hum Nutr Diet. 31(4):496-504. Available at:

Brown A, Lee MD. (2015) Early influences on child satiety-responsiveness: the role of weaning style. Pediatr Obes. 10(1):57-66. Available at:

Brown A, Wyn Jones S, Rowan H. (2017) Baby led weaning: The evidence to date. Curr Nutr Rep. 6:148-156. Available at:

Cameron SL, Taylor RW, Heath ALM. (2015) Development and pilot testing of Baby-Led Introduction to Solid-a version of Baby-Led Weaning modified to address concerns about iron deficiency, growth faltering and choking. BMC Pediatr. 15:99. Available at:

First Steps Nutrition Trust. (2020) Eating well: the first year. A guide to introducing solids and eating well up to baby’s first birthday. Available at: [Accessed 10th February 2022]

Lakshman R, Clifton EA, Ong KK. (2017) Baby-led weaning - safe and effective but not preventive of obesity. JAMA Pediatr. 171(9):832-833. Available at:

Morison BJ, Heath A-LM, Haszard JJ, Hein K, Fleming EA, Daniels L, et al. (2018) Impact of a modified version of baby-led weaning on dietary variety and food preferences in infants. Nutrients.10(8):1092. Available at:

Naylor A, Morrow A. (2001) Developmental Readiness of Normal Full Term Infants to Progress from Exclusive Breastfeeding to the Introduction of Complementary Foods. Academy for Educational Development. Available at: [Accessed 10th February 2022]

NHS. (2019) Your baby's first solid foods. Available at:… [Accessed 10th February 2022]

Public Health England. (no date) What to feed your baby. Available at:… [Accessed 10th February 2022]

Rapley G. (2015) Baby-led weaning: the theory and evidence behind the approach. J Health Visiting. 3(3):144-151. Available at: [Accessed 10th February 2022]

Rapley G, Murkett T. (2010) Baby-Led Weaning: The Essential Guide to Introducing Solid Foods and Helping Your Baby to Grow Up a Happy and Confident Eater. Experiment LLC, London.

Taylor RW, Williams SM, Fangupo LJ, Wheeler BJ, Taylor BJ, Daniels L, et al. (2017) Effect of a baby-led approach to complementary feeding on infant growth and overweight: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Pediatr. Available at:

Townsend E, Pitchford NJ. (2012) Baby knows best? The impact of weaning style on food preferences and body mass index in early childhood in a case-controlled sample. BMJ Open. 2(1):e000298. Available at:

Wright CM, Cameron K, Tsiaka M, Parkinson KN. (2011) Is baby-led weaning feasible? When do babies first reach out for and eat fingers foods? Matern Child Nutr. 7(1):27-33. Available at:

Baby-led weaning: pros and cons | Baby & toddler, Feeding articles & support | NCT (2024)


Why don't doctors recommend baby-led weaning? ›

Indeed, one of the main reasons healthcare providers are reluctant to fully endorse BLW is the perceived risk of choking. About 35% of babies choke while starting foods, most often because they were offered food that was a hazard.

What are the negatives of baby-led weaning? ›

BLW has some obvious downsides. The infant may not get enough energy, iron, zinc, vitamins, and other nutrients, or too much protein, saturated fat, salt, or sugar. The risk of choking, which must be distinguished from the physiological gagging reflex, has not been ruled out by scientific studies.

Is baby-led weaning scientifically proven? ›

Studies have found that families practicing baby-led weaning tend to eat more often together. They also find mealtimes calmer and less stressful. Meanwhile, mothers who do BLW say they feel less pressure and worry around weaning than those who traditionally wean.

What are the disadvantages of weaning a baby? ›

Moreover, if giving solid foods too early, then the child's digestive system does not secrete enough mucus as well as enzymes to help break down protein and fat and lead to overworked organs. Early weaning puts children at high risk of digestive disorders, diarrhea or constipation due to the immature digestive system.

What does the American Academy of Pediatrics say about baby-led weaning? ›

Through delaying, proponents of BLW suggest that the child is more developmentally prepared to feed itself and consume solid foods. Current guidelines from the AAP recommend introducing iron-fortified cereals by spoon-feeding between ages 4 and 6 months.

Is baby-led weaning developmentally appropriate? ›

Myth: All six-month-old babies are ready for baby-led weaning. Truth: While many babies are developmentally ready for baby-led weaning around six months of age, it's essential to assess your baby's individual readiness.

What are the warnings for baby-led weaning? ›

Baby-led weaning safety

There is no increased choking risk associated with baby-led weaning when compared to traditional spoon feeding. However, a CPR class can empower parents to act in case of an emergency. Parents should also learn the difference between gagging and choking.

Why is baby-led weaning a controversial method? ›

The greatest concerns from health care providers surrounding BLW include the risk of choking and potential inadequate calorie/energy intake and inadequate nutrients mostly focusing on iron.

What are the alternatives to baby-led weaning? ›

Traditional spoon-feeding or a combination of spoon-feeding and finger foods are alternative weaning techniques. This approach allows for more control over the baby's diet and may be preferred by parents who are cautious about potential choking hazards.

Why is BLW better than purées? ›

Baby-led weaning often exposes babies to a wider variety of foods, textures, and flavors [1], which may help to reduce picky eating behaviors later on: a huge win! Greater exposure usually leads to greater acceptance of foods in toddlerhood and beyond.

What's the difference between baby-led weaning and baby-led feeding? ›

Some people feel baby-led feeding is a less hard core approach than baby-led weaning. It's sometimes referred to as “modified baby-led weaning,” in which some smoother textures and purées are combined with larger pieces a baby can pick up on their own.

Do doctors support baby-led weaning? ›

There are not enough studies to prove that there are benefits of baby-led weaning over spoon-feeding purees/mashed foods. A study by the AAP determined babies are not at higher risk of choking from baby-led weaning when compared to traditional purees.

Does baby-led weaning lead to picky eaters? ›

Allowing babies to self-feed soft bites of table food from the very beginning can help establish independent eating and prevent picky eating.

What is the bliss method of baby-led weaning? ›

The BLISS method is a baby-led weaning approach that minimizes choking risks and ensures good nutrient intake. Using a low-pressure approach and exposing your baby to different textures may help reduce pickiness.

What are two possible dangers of baby-led weaning? ›

Emerging evidence suggests that baby-led weaning may result in more gagging as babies get used to swallowing but no increased likelihood of choking . Baby-led weaning can be messier than spoon-feeding.

What are the downsides of BLW? ›

Giving babies certain foods before they've developed the needed oral motor skills to eat it could lead to gagging, vomiting and potentially choking. While gagging and coughing are both mechanisms to help prevent a baby from choking, these reflexes are both uncomfortable and scary for the baby.

What are the psychological effects of weaning? ›

You Might Be Surprised By Your Emotions

Even for those who are happy to be done breastfeeding or pumping, the days after weaning can be an emotional time. Some mamas feel tearful, sad or mildly depressed after their baby is done nursing. Others may feel irritable, anxious or moody.

How common is choking with BLW? ›

The vomiting reflex, spitting food out of the mouth, and gagging, were more common among children fed by the BLW method. In contrast, choking occurred comparably often in both groups - in 5.4% of spoon-fed children and 6.9% of BLW-fed children.

What is the best first food for a baby? ›

Solid foods may be introduced in any order. However, puréed meats, poultry, beans and iron-fortified cereals are recommended as first foods, especially if your baby has been primarily breastfed, since they provide key nutrients. Only one new single-ingredient food should be introduced at a time.

What is the baby-led weaning rule? ›

BLW may begin around 6 months, when the baby shows signs of readiness such as sitting up independently, loss of tongue thrust reflex, mouthing toys, and showing interest in table foods. To start BLW, ensure readiness and begin with one solid meal a day during family mealtime.

What do pediatricians think of baby-led weaning? ›

BLW is a safe method

Some healthcare professionals reported that until the first year of life the main food should be milk (preferably breast milk or artificial milk), so children will not be undernourished as their needs will be covered by milk.

What is the alternative to baby-led weaning? ›

Advantages of Spoon Feeding

Spoon feeding creates a lot less mess than baby-led weaning, it also results in less food waste. As you are assisting with feeding, food isn't getting thrown, smooshed or experimented with in the same way as self-feeding.

What is the best age to start baby-led weaning? ›

You may start baby-led weaning at around 6 months of age, which is also the age you would traditionally introduce complementary foods via spoon-feeding. At this age, your baby will most likely be able to sit unsupported, bring food to their mouth, and chew and swallow—all things that are important for self-feeding.

Why is early weaning not recommended? ›

Introducing solids too early, particularly before seventeen weeks, may lead to your baby taking less milk. Breast or formula milk should be their main source of nutrition until after six months old. Babies weaned too early may gain excess weight, and may develop allergies and intolerances to some foods.

Is baby-led weaning safer than puree? ›

Overall, it's up to parents to choose whichever method you are most comfortable with, purées and spoon-feeding, baby-led weaning or a combination are all safe and healthy ways to introduce solids.

How common is choking with baby-led weaning? ›

Choking occurs when the airway is blocked, and baby is unable to get the food out themselves. It's important to note, according to the research currently available, baby-led weaning does not increase the risk of a choking episode [1] when compared to a traditional or puree weaning style.

Is baby-led weaning bad for digestion? ›

Because BLW does not include pureed foods, your baby's digestive system may have to work a little harder to break down the food that he eats. And it's not unusual for food to come out in a similar form that it entered! As a result, you may see bits of undigested foods, such as carrots or broccoli, in his poo at first.

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