The Best Way to Upgrade Divinity Candy? With Chocolate, of Course. (2024)

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Shilpa Uskokovic

Shilpa Uskokovic

Shilpa Uskokovic is a recipe developer, food writer and sometimes a food stylist. She was previously a line and pastry cook in some of NYC's top rated restaurants like Marea, The NoMad Hotel, Maialino and Perry Street. A graduate of The Culinary Institute of America, Shilpa loves books, Bundt cakes, cute basset hounds and peak millennial memes. She was born and raised in Chennai, India.


published Nov 4, 2021


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The Best Way to Upgrade Divinity Candy? With Chocolate, of Course. (1)

Marshmallow and fudge-like, this divinity candy recipe is the ultimate weekend baking project.

Makesabout 4 dozenPrep15 minutesCook25 minutes

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The Best Way to Upgrade Divinity Candy? With Chocolate, of Course. (2)

Sweet, chewy and texturally somewhere between a marshmallow and fudge, old-fashioned divinity candy makes a wonderful addition to your holiday table. The airy puffs of sweetness come together with only a handful of everyday ingredients. Made by whipping egg whites with a hot sugar syrup, divinity is simple to make and all too easy to eat. Here are some pointers for success.

  1. Make sure your egg whites have no traces of yolk. The fat from egg yolks makes it difficult, or even impossible, to whip egg whites into lofty peaks. For the same reason, make sure your mixing bowl is clean and grease-free.
  2. Use a thermometer. It can be hard to gauge the doneness of sugar syrup visually, but a thermometer virtually guarantees you perfect results. An instant-read thermometer is ideal, but those clip-on candy thermometers will also work.
  3. Use a stand mixer. A stand mixer will give you the fluffiest candy, thanks to its power. A hand mixer will also work, but it will take longer to whip and some models could struggle with the thick mixture. Unless you have the strength of a superhero, whisking by hand is a no-go.
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What Is Divinity Candy Made of?

Egg whites and sugar syrup are whipped together to form fluffy clouds of divinity candy. Wonderful just as they are, divinity also lends itself well to additions like chopped nuts, dried fruit, or chocolate.

Divinity Candy Versus Meringue

Divinity and meringue start with the same ingredients — egg whites and granulated sugar — but have vastly different textures. How is that possible? Thanks to the magical properties of sugar, which takes on different forms through the cooking process.

  • In a meringue, the sugar syrup is cooked to about 240°F or until the sugar forms a soft, malleable ball when a spoonful is dropped in cold water.
  • For divinity, the sugar is taken a bit further to 250°F (or the firm ball stage) where it can hold more structure.

How Long Will Divinity Candy Keep?

As long as it’s stored in a cool, dry spot, divinity candy will keep well for three to four days. Beyond that it starts to harden up a bit too much.

Why Shouldn’t I Make Divinity Candy When It’s Humid Out?

Sugar, the key player in divinity candy, is hygroscopic (or water-loving). So on a very humid day, it will soak up the moisture from the air and cause your candy to go soft and gummy.


Chocolate-Hazelnut Divinity Candy Recipe

Marshmallow and fudge-like, this divinity candy recipe is the ultimate weekend baking project.

Prep time 15 minutes

Cook time 25 minutes

Makes about 4 dozen

Nutritional Info


  • 2 1/2 cups

    granulated sugar

  • 3/4 cup

    light corn syrup

  • 1/2 cup


  • 1 1/2 teaspoons

    kosher salt

  • 1 cup

    whole or chopped hazelnuts

  • 2

    large egg whites

  • 1/4 cup

    semi-sweet chocolate chips


  1. Place 2 1/2 cups granulated sugar, 3/4 cup light corn syrup, 1/2 cup water, and 1 1/2 teaspoons kosher salt in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Cover and simmer without stirring until the sugar is fully dissolved, 7 to 10 minutes. Uncover (the syrup should be clear) and continue simmering over medium heat until the syrup reaches 250°F, 7 to 10 minutes. The bubbles will be larger and slower than in the beginning.

  2. Meanwhile, coarsely chop 1 cup whole hazelnuts if needed. Line 2 rimmed baking sheets with parchment or wax paper. Place 2 large egg whites in the bowl of a stand mixer. Beat with the whisk attachment on medium-low speed until foamy, about 5 minutes. If they are at this stage before the syrup is finished cooking, simply reduce the speed to low and continue mixing until the syrup is ready.

  3. Increase the mixer speed to high. Pour in the hot syrup in a steady stream, aiming the syrup along the side of the bowl for the most even mixing. Continue to beat until the egg whites are thick and glossy, 2 to 3 minutes. Reduce the speed to medium and beat until the egg whites deflate slightly (this is a sign they are thick enough to be shaped into candy), about 2 minutes.

  4. Remove the bowl from the stand mixer. Tap the whisk attachment against the inside of the bowl to dislodge anything stuck on. Add the hazelnuts and fold with a flexible spatula until incorporated. Add 1/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips and fold until just combined. The chocolate will partly melt and create streaks.

  5. Using a tablespoon (or other small) cookie scoop, portion the onto the baking sheets. If the scoop becomes too sticky, dip it in cool water and shake off the excess before resuming scooping. Let sit undisturbed until fully set, about 30 minutes.

Recipe Notes

Storage: Divinity can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 4 days.

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The Best Way to Upgrade Divinity Candy? With Chocolate, of Course. (2024)


What to do with divinity that won't set up? ›

But if your divinity fails to harden, you can beat in two tablespoons of powdered sugar and allow the mixture to rest a few minutes; if the candy hardens too much, you can blend in hot water a tablespoon at a time until the perfect, fluffy consistency is reached.

Why is my divinity not fluffy? ›

You can sometimes correct a divinity fail. If it is too stiff, add very hot water, beating in a half tablespoon at a time until it reaches a fluffy consistency. If it is too thin and does not set, try adding 1/2 tablespoon at a time of powdered sugar until it thickens.

What to do if divinity doesn't harden? ›

If your divinity candy fails to harden, add 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar and beat again. Allow it to rest for about 15 minutes. This will absorb more moisture and will allow your sweet treat to harden. If you want your divinity candy to soften up a bit add hot water a tablespoon at a time and beat it again.

Does humidity affect making divinity candy? ›

Consider this: divinity hates humidity. It's best to make divinity on a cool, dry day. If it's humid (over 50%) or rainy, the candy might end up with a more gooey, or grainy texture.

Can you make divinity when it's raining? ›

Just want to say to people who think you can't make divinity when it is humid, you can. When it's raining outside just reduce the amount of water in the recipe by about a tablespoon.

Why is my divinity crumbly? ›

Beat until the candy holds its shape, five to six minutes. (Do not overmix or the candy will get stiff and crumbly.)

Why does divinity fail? ›

Now, making divinity comes with all kinds of warnings about humidity and weather. You can't make it if it is "too" humid or if it's raining. The moisture in the air will keep the candy from setting and drying properly.

What is the best humidity for candy making? ›

That's part of why candy making is so prevalent in winter; the best climate for making candy has a relative humidity of less than 35%, and cold air usually has less moisture than hot air.

What does wet do in divinity? ›

It is one of the few status effects that is applied regardless of Armour, Resistances or Immunities. Whenever character is Wet they will suffer from decreased water resistance by 10 % and decreased air resistance by 20 %, however their fire resistance will be increased by 10 %.

How long can you store divinity candy? ›

Layer fudge pieces or divinity between waxed paper in an airtight container to prevent from quickly drying out. Store at room temperature up to 2 days or in the refrigerator for up to 1 month.

Why is my candy not hardening? ›

In hard candy making, it is important to cook all the water out of the sugar/corn syrup/water mixture. If the sugar mixture is not cooked to the proper temperature (the hard-crack stage 300-310° F {149-154° C.} or if you are working in a kitchen with high humidity, chances are your candy is retaining too much moisture.

How long has divinity candy been around? ›

Where Does Divinity Candy Come From? Just like Memaw's stories, the type of Divinity candy widely made today dates back to a recipe from 1915. However, an earlier version including milk debuted in 1907. You can thank the rise in popularity of corn syrup for Divinity's emergence in the United States.

How to tell when divinity is done? ›

The divinity is ready when it holds its shape in a mound on the parchment paper. If it turns into a puddle, continue beating the mixture.

How long does it take for divinity to set? ›

Drop mixture from buttered spoon onto waxed paper. Let stand at room temperature at least 12 hours, turning candies over once, until candies feel firm.

Does rain affect candy making? ›

Believe it or not, the weather and humidity can also play a prominent role in the process of making candy, as it can have a dramatic impact on the quality of the finished product.

Why does divinity not set up? ›

Now, making divinity comes with all kinds of warnings about humidity and weather. You can't make it if it is "too" humid or if it's raining. The moisture in the air will keep the candy from setting and drying properly.

How long does it take divinity to set up? ›

Drop mixture from buttered spoon onto waxed paper. Let stand at room temperature at least 12 hours, turning candies over once, until candies feel firm. Store in airtight container.

How do I get rid of stunned divinity? ›

Stunned can be removed only through spells or scrolls.

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